Chapter One

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I sat on my window seat looking up at the night sky, the stars were twinkling brightly and the moon was yet to come up. I looked across the large driveway to the different trees planted everywhere across the flawlessly green lawn. The yard lights across the street casted a comforting glow on the empty street. As lovely as the night was, I wish I was anywhere besides here.

I was to be married soon, in a week to be exact. To a man I hardly know. The very thought of never being able to experience real love, crushed me completely. We've all read those books about princesses, talking woodland creatures, and happily ever afters. I might as well set fire to those books I've had since a child. This was no fairytale, and not even a knight in shining armor could get me out of this arranged marriage.

Mason James is a handsome man. Any girl would be lucky to have him. Many girls in this town would kill to be in my place right now. Mason's family is very wealthy just like mine. Our fathers met in college and have been good friends ever since. They always wanted their children to marry. Unfortunately, Mason and I have no siblings. Our parents played match maker in our early teen years and that did not go well. They had no choice but to arrange it themselves.

They said it would make our families look better. So what else were we supposed to do? I did protest when I found out the dreadful news a couple months ago. But my father's demanding voice, and firm look would have anyone bow down to him like he was a king or god. Which to everyone around here, he was. We had the biggest house in the county and our family name was well known and we were highly respected. The Johnson's had a lot to live up to. And as their only daughter, I could never disgrace them.

No one could ever know this marriage was arranged. Not even close family knew. An arranged marriage in the 21st century? It was almost unheard of.

From the outside, the Johnson's and the James' lives seemed like a fairytale. People wanted to get a taste of the "extravagant" lifestyle we lived. When in fact, they'd just be walking into a nightmare. I often wondered what other secrets my family had. Were they this bad? Worse? I could only wonder.

I guess I shouldn't be bitching. Mason was a decent guy. He was nice to me even though he didn't like the situation either. He could act like a complete asshole to me, but he doesn't and I respect him for that. We haven't gotten the chance to get to know each other these past couple months, mostly because he's been traveling with his father out of state most of the time.

When we did talk we'd talk about the weather and how nice New Orleans is. From our very few conversations I knew we didn't have much in common except for money. My father always said, "Money is power. I got money, so I got power." I didn't believe that at all.

I sighed as I thought about what the next week would bring. Relatives were already pouring into the house and my mother has been planning the entire wedding for the past month non stop. I swear she even dreams about it when she doses off in the loft in the afternoons. After the ceremony at church everyone will come back here for the reception behind the house. And for the honeymoon, Mason's father set up a two week stay at the family's private island. Lucky girl right?

My constant excuses to not be involved with the planning were apparent. I was running out of them and my mother knew I wasn't all too thrilled, but she still urged me to participate saying, "You only get married once, so let's make it special."

I gazed down to my engagement ring. It was much too flashy for my liking, but I couldn't help but think it was beautiful.

I figured I could try to find happiness with Mason. It would be something I was willing to do for my family. I guess it was only a matter of time.

"Marlene?" I heard my mother's voice ring from the other side of the door before she opened it.

I saw that she was still in her evening gown and the was clutching the wedding planner book in her hands.

"Don't forget, we have your dress fitting tomorrow morning at ten." She said flipping through a few pages looking lost in thought. I can only imagine how excited she got when some of the relatives asked her about the wedding details. I can see her smiling graciously, book in hand telling every last detail down to a very small flower petal on the bouquet.

"I have not forgotten mother." I said smiling to reassure her.

"Good. I was wondering, have you gotten around to writing your vows yet?" She asked still not looking away from the book.

"No not yet." I answered stiffly. What could I possibly say or promise to Mason? I wonder if he'd written his out yet.

"Well I'm not gonna worry about that right now." She said closing the book looking at me with one of her uptight fake smiles. "You better get your beauty rest, dear. We got a long day tomorrow." She said planting a kiss on my forehead and then swiftly walking to the door.

"Sweet dreams." She called as she shut the door. Probably heading to the loft to sip champagne with the aunts and other friends while gossiping about the latest things going on. The wedding was probably the most talked about topic in the house, yet no one's heard any details from me yet. I was dreading the conversations tomorrow would bring.

I decided I better get some sleep. No use sitting awake all night worrying about the unknown. I left the window open since it got really hot in my room and mostly because the moon looked beautiful and the light shone like a bright flashlight into my room. I turned out my light and saw my dainty shadow on the wooden floor. I climbed into bed and turned on my iPod to shuffle. I curled up under the blankets and fell asleep to Elvis Presley's soothing voice.


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