Chapter Four

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I stood on the sidewalk of a dark, empty highway. The only light came from the four dimly lit street lights, and I stood underneath the last one. I had no idea where I was, so how was I supposed to find Elvis? Amelia didn't tell me anything about HOW I was going to meet him, or even where. I stood there for a few more minutes and just as I was about to lose hope, I saw a car coming in the distance. As it got closer I realized it was a white limousine. The sound of the tires hitting the gravel could be heard as the driver pulled up to where I stood.

A man who looked to be in his 50's got out of the driver's seat and began walking over to me. He was quite short, and had graying hair. He wore a small smile as he shook my hand.

"Hello miss, I'm Mr. Harvey and I will be your driver tonight." He spoke kindly.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Harvey. I'm Marlene."

"Right this way, miss Marlene." He guided me over to the limo and opened the door for me as I slid in. I had to admit, Amelia had great taste. She was full of surprises and I could only guess what she had in store for me tonight. The idea of it for me was pretty basic. All I wanted was to meet Elvis, ask him for an autograph, hopefully get a picture with him, and maybe get a hug. Although I thought the hug idea was a bit too far fetched. He might think I was a psycho.

"So you're meeting Elvis Presley?" Mr. Harvey asked as we pulled away from the curb.

"Yes, how did you know where to pick me up?" I asked curiously.

"Amelia Johnson is an old friend if mine." He answered giving me a wink through the rear-view mirror. I assumed he knew of her magic.

As we drove along a highway I finally saw the Hollywood sign, and the city lights.
Oh so that's where we are.

"Mr. Harvey?" I asked. "What day is it?"

"It is March 24th, 1964." He answered, looking at the Calender that hung on the dashboard.

I started getting nervous as we entered the city. I sat fidgeting, checking my hair and make up every few minutes. I wanted this experience to be perfect, I knew all this worrying wasn't going to help.

"There's champagne back there in the cooler. It might help you relax a bit." Mr. Harvey said to me. I reached into the cooler and saw that the bottle had already been opened. Amelia knew me so well, I was definitely going to need a glass of this.

As we drove through the city, the lights flashed through the darkened windows, and everything felt surreal. Mr. Harvey informed me that I was being taken to a party, which Elvis was now at. I didn't need to worry about not getting in, since somehow my name was on the guest list. He told me he would be waiting with the limo in front before midnight.

"Do not forget, midnight." He said sternly.

"I won't forget." I assured him.

Soon enough we were pulling up to a large elegant looking building with people standing outside visiting, and bodyguards standing at the doors. I was definitely not in 2014 anymore.

I took a deep breath as Mr. Harvey opened my door, I took his hand as he helped me out. My legs felt shaky as I stood, the thought of getting back inside the vehicle and demanding to go back home crossed my mind. I shook the thought away as I remembered that Elvis Presley was just through those doors.

"Have a good time, this night is all yours." Mr. Harvey said. "Remember Midnight, not a second later."

I nodded as I gathered up the courage to walk to the doors. As I approached I almost turned back around twice, but kept going. I had to do this.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2014 ⏰

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