Chapter Three

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I sat at dinner nervously. I could hardly chew the salad which sat almost untouched in front of me. My father sat on the far end of the table looking less than happy as he chomped bite after bite of salad. His eyes held a stern look, but yet he still looked as if he wasn't in reality.

Amelia sat next to me looking nonchalant, as many conversations were passed around the table. No one bothered to speak to her, she didn't seem to care as she sipped her wine.

Mason sat next to me engaged in conversation with one of my uncles. He was the type of person who was comfortable no matter what. He went with the flow, and his smile never faltered. Even if he knew about something he did not want.

My mother sat next to my father occasionally glancing at me with worry.

This was one of the most uncomfortable meals I've ever had.

I felt overwhelmed and light headed as I tried to take sips of my water. It felt too hot inside the house and I knew I needed to get out.

I stood suddenly making everyone look to me.

"May I be excused?" I looked to my father.

He looked at me with a sort of annoyed look and simply waved his hand.

I rushed outside into the yard. I slowly trudged to the tree with the swing my father had put on there when I was a little girl. I sat down and began to swing a little as I tries to calm myself. It was silent and still, the way I liked it.

I didn't know what to do. If aunt Amelia could get me out of this marriage, I'd be set. I wouldn't be hurting anyone by doing it would I? My family pissed me off but I loved them dearly. All of them.

If I could go back in time to meet Elvis, it would be a dream come true. It would be a happy memory to take with me into my already planned future, and maybe make it somehow bearable. There was so much to decide and I didn't know what to choose. I hated how I've been kept in the dark for my entire life. It made me want to rebel.

I heard shuffling behind me. Alarmed I stood and turned to see Mason walking over. I gave him a small smile which he returned.

"I came to see if you were okay. You didn't look very well at dinner." He said putting his hands in his pockets looking somewhat awkward.

"Oh yeah I'm good. Just had a mini panic attack." I explained. It was quite heart warming to see someone actually concerned for my well being.

"So its a nice evening." Mason said trying to strike up conversation.

"It sure is." I replied looking up at the sky. It was nearing summer and the air felt warm and comfortable. The sky was still slightly blue in the West and the stars were just beginning to show.

"Marlene I just wanted to say," I turned to look at him. "I think you are beautiful. You're intelligent, caring, and down to earth." He stared at me intently.

I opened my mouth slightly. I didn't know what to say.

"I know I haven't known you that long. Hell, we hardly know each other at all." He paused, taking a step closer to me and took my hand. "In the time I have been around you, I've observed these things about you. I have a feeling this could work. You could be the woman who makes me happy, the woman I wake up to everyday who makes waking up worth it. I've been too embarrassed to express my feelings these passed few months. So I'm telling you now, just so you know that this marriage isn't exactly inconvenient for me." He said with sincerity dripping from every word.

We were standing so close. The closest we'd ever been to each other for the first time since we met. I looked into his eyes, which were brown with faint yellow flecks I never noticed before. My eyes then trailed down to his lips. I unconsciously licked mine.

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