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Ariana's Pov
Age: 22

"Seriously Ari! I didn't wanna go! It's bad enough I had to deal with him in college but this! I can't not for 3 days and hours in a car!" Max shouts, walking back and forth. I rolled my eyes, sitting up on my bed. "Come on! It's been months..... One road trip won't hurt you.... Besides you might have fun..."

"Yeah sure have you met my dad?!"

"Yes I have and it's not that bad besides it's better than dealing with Bradley....." I said flipping through my magazine. "Can't you come with me?! Please!! I don't think I can live with camp sing alongs!!"

"I don't think bring your girlfriend to a father- son road trip isn't part of the idea...." I said, not looking up from the magazine. Max sits next to me grabbing the magazine from my hand and giving puppy dog eyes. "Please! I'll convince him!! Please!! You're not gonna let your dear boyfriend to suffer?"

"Oh god... Max as much as I love you, you can't make me...." I got up walking to the door but it closes by a hand in front of me. Hands go up and down from my waist and kisses start to form at my neck. "Max seriously....."

"Come on.... Ariana, I know you can't resist it..." he said continuing to bring me down. I bit my lip to not moan, but it was hard since it felt too goood! No Ariana don't let him win!! "Max! No!!"

"Please for me.... Just for this road trip and that's it..." He whispers in my ear, I sighed giving up automatically. "God I hate you but fine I'll go! But you have to talk to my brother on letting me go...."

"Okay okay, fine deal... I can deal with your brother..."

A/N just a little preview for the next story.

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