Chapter 7-Who to believe?

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Ariana's Pov

I waited at door of the boy's locker room waiting a life time for Bradley to come out. But I figured he was too busy getting flashed and mobbed by fans of his. But they wouldn't be much fans if they knew what he does to win. I goaned ready to march inside without even caring if boys were in there. I was about to barage in when stopped in my tracks to see Max and his teamates walking out at the same time as I was going in. We stood there staring at each other either with hate or sadness. "Sorry..."

I said stepping out of the way, Max nodded like it was fine. " Good luck out there Max..." He turns around to look at me but I was already inside the locker room to find out that Bradley was not inside. I found Goofy on the bench with his head down crying to himself. I wished I could do something but i knew he wouldn't find the heart to listen or talk. I walked out of the locker room and headed to the seats where everyone was seated. " Ohh ladies and gentleman! Put on your seatbelts and hold on on to your hats! oh my! It's time for the high- flying, gravity- defying, no time for crying ... College X-games!! Let's go vertical!" Chuck announced and the crowd went wild as the teams got ready.

"All righty now... We'll begin with the eighty qualifying team in a semi-final round until we're down to the two best teams. then they'll be fighting for first place and the College X Games championship! The announcer reported."That's right Chuck. In the semi-finals we'll see rock climbing, luge runs and much more.. Also a special guest appearance coming our way.. Stay tune for that..."

"Won't that be fun!" Chuck replied, the screen switched over showing the four Gammas teammates as chuck introducing each of them,making Bradley the star of the competition like always. People started to notice that Goofy wasn't on the team which caused them to boo and call out for Goofy to come back. "What do you know, Chuck! Looks like Goofy is a no show!"

"What happened to Goofy man?" A fan shouted over the crowd. Aunt Sylvia turns over to me whispering in my ear, "What happened to Goofy?"

"I don't know where he went..." I said. Aunt Sylvia hangs her head low worrying about him. I patted her shoulder for comfort. There was no way I could tell her that Goofy was kicked out by Bradley because I knew she would murder him in less than two seconds. I knew how much she cared for him and how important he was to her but I couldn't.. And that adds another piles of lies that are kept bottled up. The games began with the rock climbing where Bobby took one for the team. But as he was climbing, rocks began to disappear making it difficult for the team to climb but Bobby kept going until he reached the top. He cheered loudly giving out kisses to the people who cheered at him. I rolled my eyes at that goofball.

Then it was Max's turn in the recumbent racing against the another opposing team. While they were neck and neck, a bunch of marbles came rolling out of nowhere on the track. One guy went out of control and crashed in the hay barrels placed along the track. Max dodges them winning the first place spot. Pj was next on the bike riding course but once again Bradley's minions had shot a rocket across causing a team player flying across but that didn't stop Pj from making it first across the finish line. I could see Bradley on the side lines getting frustrated about Max's team taking first place.

"The semi-finals have resulted in just Team One and Team 99 going to head to head in the finals. The grueling competition has really taken its toll on the athletes this afternoon! Let's strap in for our final and deciding event.. The X games triathlon. Yes we're seconds away from what promises to be an exciting finale between two fierce competitors! Before we go to our competitors, lets take to our special guest. Ladies and gentleman, Ariana Uppercrust! Yes! We have Bradley Uppercrust's sister right her with us! Give a round of applause for her!"

"Aha, why thank you Chuck! What a competition we have here!" I said smiling into the camera and speaking into the microphone. Chuck pretends to fan himself like he was impressed with my response.

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