Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Three Days Before...

Wednesday morning was a normal Summer morning for Addison. She slept until eleven in the morning, watched some tv for an hour, and then finally got enough courage to roll out of bed. She stood up, walked over to Lizzy's cage and flicked on her lights. Then, Addison went over and stared at herself in her large bedroom mirror.

She took a deep breath as she stared at the big, brown eyed, blonde girl who stared back at her. Addison grabbed her long blonde hair and stuck it into a messy bun. Then, she walked over and stuck her slippers on her feet. Addison turned and headed downstairs for breakfast, looking for something to fill her grumbling stomach.

As Addison approached the fridge, there was a note on the door expressing that her mom would be picking Ivan up from gifted group. At the bottom of the note in large handwriting that could only be recognized at Ivan's, stating that there was a pitcher of rainwater waiting for Addison in the fridge. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, angry at herself for forgetting that she promised Ivan she would start this stupid experiment today.

Addison's stomach grumbled as she reached for the door handle once more. Addison sighed as she pulled the refrigerator door open. She looked inside to see a large pitcher containing clear liquid that could only be the rainwater that Ivan was providing. Sighing, Addison pulled out the pitcher, shut the door and walked over to a cabinet to grab a class.

The girl poured herself a large glass of rainwater, and then took a sip. Addison chugged half of the cup before she put it back down on the counter. She refilled the cup of water, and then returned the pitcher to the fridge.

Addison eyed the large cup of water that was now in front of her. She tried to ignore the grumbling that was coming from her stomach as she guided her way back towards her bedroom.

Once she entered back into her room, she drank some more of her water. Then she began processing the idea of what she was doing. Addison laughed at herself as she took another sip of water. I'm going to get superpowers from drinking water. Yeah, this makes so much sense. Addison spit of some of her water, thinking about the idiocy of her experiment, but if it gets her viewers, then so be it.

Addison continued throughout her day drinking rainwater from the same glass that she had gotten from the kitchen earlier in the day. She tried her hardest to not have her mouth water as her mom began cooking pork chops and the smell wafted to her room upstairs.

When her mother had called her down for dinner,, Addison had expressed that she wasn't eating because she didn't feel well. She wasn't lying. She hadn't eaten anything all day, and she was getting a headache. Ivan had knocked on her door a couple of times, but she told him the exact same thing as her mother.

Addison lied on her bed in her dark room. She kept the television turned off so she could work on getting her headache to go away. She didn't want to take any medicine in an attempt to not mess with the experiment.

The girls brown eyes wandered over to her bearded-dragons cage. She smiled slightly as she saw her pet eating the cucumber that she had given her earlier.

Addison wanted to turn Lizzy's lights off and sit engulfed in darkness, but it was early. As Addison drifted off to sleep, she agreed with herself that Lizzy's lights would be okay on for the night, and Lizzy could sleep in her shelter area.

The next two days, Addison's headaches had worsened, but the morning of the third day, she did not experience one at all. She was relieved, as well as Mrs. Aimes as she was beginning to get worried for her daughter.

Addison was excited to be free on her constant headache, and even more for her to debut her live video tonight. Addison was happy she had something to talk about, and excited to explain her experiences with the experiment. Addison began writing her script and putting together information that she was going to explain to her viewers. She almost jumped with glee as she finished her itinerary.

Around two pm, Addison fixed herself on her bed. She moved her hair to the side of her face, straightened out her blue shirt and stared into the webcam of her laptop. Let's do this, she thought to herself, and then she began speaking into her camera.

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