Aoba x Male Reader (Kinda)

996 16 6

(Third Person)

As your walking towards the Old District you come across this small dog. You kneel down, wondering who's this is, you try to pet it's dark blue fur but it jumps back. Startling you, you look around, thinking the owner is near, when you don't see anyone you look at the lonely Allmate.

"Where is your owner?" You pick the up the small dog, holding him away from you as he starts squirming, and you furrow your (Brown/Blonde,Black, Ginger) eyebrows. "Maybe you don't have a owner?" You look at him, hoping the puppy responds, but it doesn't.

You sigh and cradle him gently in your arms, standing up. "Maybe there are missing signs somewhere" You think to yourself as you walk around the old town. You come across a bullet board, looking at the flyers pinned to it until you find a missing flyer for the dog you're holding. You look at the flyer, seeing that the dogs name is Ren. "Ren.." You mutter under your breath, what a weird name for a small puppy like this.

You study the address on the flyer, and walk around till you find a colorful house with plants surrounding it. You shyly walk towards the door, and knock on it a couple of times, awkwardly holding the scrambling dog. You sway back and forth on the balls of your feet till the door opens. You blush a deep red, seeing the beautiful blue haired boy in front of you, you check him out a bit, and clear your throat, holding out the dog. "I'm assuming this belongs to you" You watch the blue haired boy grin at the little puppy. You blush even deeper when you hear his voice. 

"Ren!" He exclaims, grabbing the small puppy, and hugs it so tight you'd think it'd hurt the poor thing. He looks at you, a light blush skimmed across his face. "Thank you so much! I've been looking for him for a month" He coos at the puppy, you catch yourself smiling at it. You shrug, trying to be humble.

"No need to thank me, just doing the right thing," You brush your (Black,Brown,Blonde,Ginger) hair back, nervously giggling. "I'm just happy he seems to be okay." You stuff your hands in your pockets, not sure if you should leave or just wait for this boy to say something.

He suddenly holds his hand out, making you blush. "My name is Aoba, thank you for returning my Allmate" He giggles, smiling at you. You shyly shake his hand, which you find warm in a comforting way. He speaks again. "As a thank you I'll make you dinner, if that's okay." He looks at you with his amber eyes, they remind you of sunflowers. You rub the back of your head, thinking, it would be rude to decline, plus I don't have plans today so why not?

Deciding to go with it you nod. "I accept your kindness," You smile as kindly as you can, bowing down slightly. He smiles back, and leads you inside. You take off your shoes, and look around, surprised by how colorful it is, from the pastel yellow walls to the green fridge. (It's either green or pink) You watch him cook, blushing at how graceful he moves. "You have a really nice house." You try to strike a conversation with Aoba.

He smiles kindly at you, seeming to be making some type of pasta. "Thank you" He smiles a bit wider when you nod, and then he goes back to cooking. You look at the floor, seeing the blue puppy rub against your legs, you giggle a bit, and pet him. Aoba soon finishes the food and hands you a plate, you guys have a general conversation, getting to know each other more.

You smile to yourself, glad you got to make a new friend, you guys laugh, stuffing your faces with food.

Doing good things can lead to something even better~

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