Part 1 Dream

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"Let’s start plan A." (laughs)

It has been year since the digidestined won Lucemon.

Now everything is fine. Or so they thought.

Here is Takuya. It’s night. He’s sleeping.

But then..

”What the..? No! Agunimon! No!!” Takuya said in his sleep. Then he waked up.

”Oh. It was just a dream.. but so.. strange… Anyway..”

And the next day...

”Wait! Hey Zoe!” Takuya shouted.

”Hey Takuya! I just thought you!" Zoe shouted.

”Oh you thought..." Takuya said blushing.

"But I had thing. Last night i saw very strange dream about the digital world.”

Takuya told.

”Me too!” Zoe shouted.

”What? You too? In my dream Agunimon was hurted during the battle” Takuya said.

”Same with Fairymon! This is weird. I guess we need to talk with the others.” Zoe suggested.

Takuya and Zoe called to the others. But they had seen the same dream. All except Koichi. They decided to meet in the evening.

”Hello everybody!” JP shouted when he came to the meeting place.

”Hi guys!” Koji said.

”Nice to see you.” Koichi said.

”So we all came to solve this mysterious dream what we saw.” Tommy explained.

”All except me..” Koichi said a little depressed.

”Hey don’t worry! We solve this case!” Takuya told.

”What makes this particularly strange is that Koichi didn't see the same dream…” Tommy said.

"That's right. What is going on? Is Digital World really in danger? And what kind of?" Zoe wondered.

"Let's go there" Takuya said.

"What? Now? I thought we have to do plan before it.." JP wondered.

"Excuse me, you thought?" Zoe laughed.

"Let's go now and solve this! And nobody will wonder where we are, because the time difference." Takuya explained.

"How the hell you imagine we could get there?" Koji asked.

"Erm.. I.. wonder if Trailmon would get us there?" Takuya told.

"Okay let's take a look" Koji said.

the DigiDestined are going to the train station, where they first time entered to the Digital World.

Now they are at the stairs, where Koichi got to the coma. He is depressed. Others are trying to help, but it doesn't have matter.

"Maybe I shouldn't have to go.." he said.

"What? Hey bro you're one of us!" Koji shouted.

"But I didn't see the dream, I don't know should I have to go or not." Koichi explained.

"I'm sure you have to go. We all have our own part in the story." Zoe told.

"Hmm.. Okay I go!" he said.

Now they're at the basement, where Trailmon should have to be.

"Hey Trailmon! How are you?" JP shouted.

"Oh kids, not fine oh not fine.. Digital World is at veeery big danger!" it shouted very fright.

"Danger? Like what? Oh god it can't be Lucemon!" Tommy said.

"No! It's something more bad.. THE MOST BAD!" Trailmon screamed veery loudly.

"What is? Tell us! We can't help if you don't tell!" Koichi asked & explained.

"Digital World is transformed. There is Digimon named IceAzulongmon."

"IceAzulongmon?!" Everybody wondered.

"But there is more!" Trailmon said "subtly"

"What?" Koji asked.

"There is human. Girl." Trailmon told.

"Girl! If I get her to the my hands she will never walk anymore!" Zoe shouted very angry.

"So we're going?" Koichi asked.

"Yeah. We're going now. Trailmon, pedal to the metal!" Takuya shouted loudly.

And that's how the new journey begins. Tell your opinion at the comment box⬇️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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