Chapter 1

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Ok guys, this is a twisted idea I had. It's suppose to be a Crossover between Mamma Mia and Cher's real life. Meaning that people from Cher's real life will play a part in this story. They will not appear as Cher relatives but Ruby relatives. I'm going to try to write both this one and the Chandy story. I hope you like it, enjoy!!!

People say, live in the present and leave the past behind. Nobody knew about Ruby's past, not even Fernando. Bad memories were brought back to her every time she thought about it if Sophie asked. No one knew if she had any siblings or how was her life before 1959. Every time somebody brought it up, she avoided or changed the subject. It was clear she didn't want to talk about it so nobody dared to ask. Ruby was now happy living in Kalokari with her granddaughter, great grandson and husband. She had no contact with the people she left behind. From time to time she would think about the only person who supported her but never looked her up. Ruby thought that if anybody made an effort to reach out to her, then why should she?

It has been more than 50 years since Ruby last saw someone from her past. She left her home in hopes of following her dreams. Of course, things didn't go according to plan but in a way she made it. Just not worldwide so she stayed in Vegas. The road was hard and not what she expected. Nevertheless, she got to fulfill her dream of being a singer. Even if her life got half way to what she wanted, she ended up happy. Ruby didn't have her daughter by her side but she had her granddaughter, great grandson and husband. She loved and was loved in return, that was all that mattered. The hotel was about to celebrate it's 25th anniversary. As always, it had to be a big party and it had to blow the house down. Tanya, Rosie, Bill and Harry would be there in two days to help Sophie start with the preparations. Sam, Sky, Sophie, Fernando and her were in charge of details. The whole family juggled everything while taking turn in watching baby Donny who was 4 years old.

The morning was chaos, they were expecting a very important guess. Sophie had hired an event coordinator to put together the celebration of the hotels anniversary. Sam was attending some guest, Fernando and Sophie were in his office doing paperwork, Sky was watching Donny and she was keeping at the front lobby keeping an eye for the special arrival. Ruby was walking to the desk when the next person walking through the front entrance made her froze on the spot. A tall redhead with a lot of bags. Ruby instantly recognized her as her childhood best friend. She had aged but hadn't changed a bit, that's how Ruby knew. She wasn't wearing the same color clothes as the employees or a name tag so she seemed like any other person.

Ruby walked forward to get a closer look and called "Paulette?" The woman looked up at her but gave a confused look "Pauly its Ruby, do you remember me?" she said

Paulette's eyes widened in surprise and shock "Oh my God Ruby" she exclaimed, they both smiled, hugged and jumped in excitement "I haven't seen you since we were 19 years old. You look fantastic, gosh it's been more than 50 years"

"It's really good to see you too Pauly. You look amazing as well" Ruby said, they both laughed "what are you doing here" she asked

"Well I'm here at a business trip actually. I'm an event coordinator. I will be in charge of this hotel's 25th anniversary celebration" Paulette said, Ruby couldn't believe it.

"Well isn't fate a slap in the face" Paulette gave her a confused look. All Ruby could do was smile "Follow me" and motioned towards the desk. She rang the bell and two bell boys came to her "Room 15 boys and be careful with everything, it's for the party"

"Right away señora" they said and Pauly looked in amazement as the two employees did as they were told. Ruby smiled with pride at her friend as she gave her the keys.

"Do you work here?" Paulette asked

"No" Ruby answered with a smile, she was trying to not give her many details. It wasn't the right moment yet, Ruby wanted to know about her first "Take a seat over there so we can talk" she said motioning the armchairs below Donna's pictures "I'll be right back" Pauly went to sit down and Ruby went to the other direction, walking towards Sam "Hey Sam, the event coordinator is here. I took care of her bags but I was wondering if you could go get Sophie so they can meet. I will keep our guest company, we're sitting by Donna's portraits" she told him. Not saying she already knew the woman.

"Ok, just give me a few minutes" Sam said, went to get Sophie and Ruby went back to Pauly

Ruby sat down next to Pauly right below Donna's pictures "I have missed you so much my friend" Paulette said

"Me too, what has become of you?" Ruby asked, she was trying to avoid talking about herself as long as she could.

"Well you already know my job, I'm also married and have two grown men for my children" Paulette explained

"Fantastic, I'm happy for you" Ruby said

"Thank you, what about you? I thought you would have made it as a singer like you wanted" Pauly asked

Ruby winced a little at the question and the comment after "I did, just not the way I expected. My life has been really hard Pauly and not everything is happy"

"You know you can tell me everything" Pauly assures her reaching out to her and taking her hand

"I know, Pauly after I left home, I ran to Mexico and my life changed forever. You know how much I suffered at home so I had to get away"  Pauly nodded as Ruby spoke "After I left Mexico, I promised myself that I wouldn't treat my child the way mother did to me" She looked at Donna's picture "little did I know,  I was mistreating her in a different way and it was too late before I could fix it" she said, a tear running down her cheek.

Pauly looked at the picture and gasped slightly in shock "You mean, the former owner of this hotel was your daughter?" She said

Ruby nodded "After Donna passed away, my granddaughter Sophie took over. I will always regret not making things right with Donna in time" she said

"I'm so sorry" Paulette said, Ruby smiled

"Well you were given a second chance and have been doing great since then grandma. I'm so proud of you" Sophie said coming behind her. She gave her grandmother a side hug and Ruby kissed her hand.

"I know sweetie, thank you" Ruby said

Sophie turned to Paulette "You must be our special guest, for the anniversary celebration"

"And an old friend" Ruby cut in smiling, Paulette smiled back

"I certainly am, both of those things. My name is Paulette" Pauly said enthusiastically reaching her hand out

"That's great, what a small world. Grandma never talks about her old friends. Nice to meet you" Sophie said shaking her hand

Ruby stood up from the seat "We better get working then, the sooner we start, the sooner you will get to relax" she said, Sophie sensed something strange in her grandmother's attitude.

"Ook, Sam and grandpa are already in his office" Sophie said

"Oh I get to meet your husband" Paulette said eagerly to Ruby

Ruby chuckled "Yes you do, come on Pauly" she said rushed in with Sophie and Paulette following.

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