Chapter 7

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I hope I've been doing a good job with the stories. This chapter has a Lucille Ball reference. If you remember correctly she and Georgia worked together in the tv show "I love Lucy". The two were great friends and I'm using that to my advantage. Enjoy!!!

"It wasn't your fault Georganne, you didn't cause the attack. It was mother the one I was hearing in my head. It always is" Ruby said looking away

"But I was always so horrible to you and I'm sorry for that" Georganne said

Ruby shot a look at her "You're sorry now? You made my life a living hell along with her. That's why I left, you hate me"

"I hate you because you always got the attention, you we're the rebel and always got into trouble. Mother was tough on us because she didn't want us to fail like she did. You never listened to her and that's why she hit you" Gigi fought

"I can't believe you would say that. You were the perfect child, mothers exact image and always making her proud. Never misbehaving and always doing everything she does. That included insulting me and repeating every word she said to me"

"You think I made her proud? Well you're wrong. She never noticed me because she was always on your tail for being rebellious. I tried so hard to get her to notice me, to grow the way she couldn't. I thought that would get me where she wanted me to be but no. I hated that you could do whatever you wanted even if it was against her. That's why I treated you the same way but for a different reason. I thought that what you were doing was wrong because if you kept at it, you wouldn't be as successful" Gigi said

"Georganne, you remember aunt Lucy? Mothers best friend" Georganne nodded "I was ten years old and you were five at the time. She was against how mother treated us and she sat me down once. I have always thought in my heart that what our mother wanted was not what I wanted. She said to me that nobody had the right to tell me what to do with my life. She told me to always follow my heart and never give up on a dream. From that day forward I did follow my heart and I got a beat down for it. I didn't care though, I kept at it because I knew it was the right thing to do"

Georganne's expression softened "You know, in our teens I always hated when you sneaked out with Pauly. I always hated that you got to sneak out but I was afraid to follow you"

"You wanted to follow me?" Ruby asked in wonder

"Yes, every time you came back you had a glow in your eyes and a smile on your face. I was jealous of that because you seemed happy disobeying mother." Gigi told her

"You were jealous to see me happy?" Gigi nodded "Why?"

"Because you did what you wanted and seemed happy even if mother didn't like it. I thought that by doing what mother wanted I would be happy. In my mind, mothers approval meant I would be successful but she never noticed me. No matter how hard I tried, that didn't make me happy. Then you left and that made me even more angry" Georganne said

"I had to, I got tired of all the abuse and I wanted to sing. Mother didn't like it but I didn't care, she thought I would fail but I wanted to prove her wrong. You could've done the same" Ruby said

"Ruby when you left, I got stuck with her and she made me miserable. When you left, I was the one being beaten down. Even when I did obey her because she was mad at you. Pauly explained to me everything you felt and it made me realize that I was feeling the same. I was too scared to do my own thing at that point" Georganne reaches out to Ruby and made her sit on the bed with her, she looked at Ruby apologetically in the eyes "Ruby I'm sorry for everything, I was never the sister I was suppose to be. Aunt Lucy was right and in time I realized that with Pauly's help. My share of mistakes were made but I started to come to my senses. When I got pregnant, mother went crazy furious and threw me out. I wanted to keep my baby and set a better example than what mother taught us. I felt alone and there was nothing I wanted more than your support and comfort. I tried to follow your example in my own way but it didn't turn out the way I wanted. I wanted to give my kids what I learned from you from what Pauly had told me. I had always wanted to be like my big sister and have always regretted not making it right from the start" Gigi said

What Ruby was hearing brought tears into her eyes and warmed her heart. She understood everything now and felt sorry for the life they both had "Sis my life didn't turn out the way I wanted it either. I made many mistakes as well and specially with Donna. At the same time I have learned so much and I'm happy with what I have. The one thing I regret more than anything is not making things right between me and my daughter. Please let's fix the relationship we have as sisters. Aside from the bad, we've had good times too. I want to remember them and create good ones. Can we do that?" Ruby asked

"Yeah we can" Georganne said smiled, they gave each other a tight hug. It felt good to be like that after such a long time. Each of them needed it and needed that closure with their past.

Ruby stood up from the bed and to the door "See you out there"

She was about to go out when Gigi called out "Hey stupid, Pauly says you sing incredible"

Ruby's eyes went wide in surprise "Oh my God I can't believe you remember that" she smirked "And yes stupid, I sing incredible" she teased

"Race you to the courtyard then" Georganne said laughing and darted out running. Ruby laughed and ran after her.

In the courtyard, Sophie and the dynamos were just finishing rehearsal. Fernando was beside Paulette watching the performance.

He noticed she was anxious "Don't worry, Ruby will be ok when she gets her rest. As for Georganne-" the sentence was interrupted by Gigi herself running to them and crashing into a chair. Ruby running after, crashing beside her.

"I win stupid" declared Gigi

"No fair, you cheated by running out first and I'm in heels stupid" Ruby protested

"Sis we are not 15 anymore, get that into your head" Georganne added, they stared at each other and burst into laughter. They helped one another up and held hands. Everyone around was surprised by the sudden change but thrilled.

Paulette's face beamed with happiness "So the stupid sisters are back" she said

"We are" they said in unison then giggled

"Sisters?" Tanya asked surprised

"Yes, Gigi is my sister and Paulette is my best friend since childhood" Ruby told giving each a genuine smile

"You have never mentioned a sister or anyone from before you met Fernando" Rosie remarked

"We had some family issues that needed to be resolved and today it did" Ruby told

"I don't think Ruby would have liked to bring up the painful past every time someone asked so it had to be kept quiet" Georganne finished, Ruby nodded agreeing

"Is rehearsal over?" Ruby asked

"Yes, since we weren't sure you would be up for it we finished our number and now we're done" Sophie said

"Mi amor it's almost lunch time" Fernando said looking at his watch

Ruby's eyes widened "Crap, I'm gonna be late" she rushed to get her purse while yelling at the sound booth "Pepper my bag please" he gave her the bag and stopped in front of Fernando "See you in an hour babe" she said before kissing him but before she could walk out she stopped and look at her girls "Want to come see what else I do girls??"

"And what is that?" Pauly asked

"Come ok and see" Ruby replied

"Say hi to Mila and Bella for me" Sophie shouted

"Alright" Ruby shouted back and rushed out to the plaza

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