Chapter 5

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I'm baaaaack!!! I apologize for leaving this story behind while I was finishing the other one. I thought I could do both but it got crazy. From now on, I'm doing my stories one by one. Also I'm sorry for such a long wait. I've been dealing with a lot of emotional issues and it's been hard. Thank you for your patience lovelies. Enjoy!!!

Ruby was talking to Sophie while they waited for Gigi and Pauly. Sam had gone to pick up Tanya, Rosie, Bill and Harry at the docks. Sophie had never seen her grandmother so nervous. Ruby didn't know if she could face her sister, it wasn't easy getting over the abuse.

Ruby was biting her nails, a habit she had since she was little when she got extremely nervous. She stopped when she had Donna but now it all came back "Grandma? Are you biting your nails?"

"I'm sorry. I'm really nervous. I don't know if I can do this, Soph I-" Just before Ruby could finish that sentence, Fernando came back with Donny in his arms and each of the women on each side. He let the boy on the floor and he ran straight to his mother.

Ruby crossed her arms over her chest, not taking her eyes off of her sister and her face dead serious. Georganne imitated the action once they got closer "Georganne" Ruby said

"Ruby" Georganne said "So, You work at a hotel, what happened to being a singer? No talent?" Georganne sneered

"You work as a party planner. What happened to being an actress? No skills?" Ruby sneered back. the two leaned forward ready to pounce at each other, Sophie grabbed her to a stop. Right when Ruby opened her mouth to say something, Fernando stood next to her as people arrived so she kept herself together.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, the rest of the party has arrived" Tanya said, Rosie by her side and Bill, Harry and Sam close behind

"Auntie Tanya, auntie Rosie so glad you could make it" Sophie said giving them both a hug

"We wouldn't miss it for the world dear" Rosie said with a smile "Or miss a chance to see our boy" she caressed the boys hair, he giggled

"Of course not, besides we would never miss out on a big party" Tanya teased making Sophie giggle

"Neither would we" Harry said in the back, Bill reached out

"Bill, Harry you're here!!! I knew you'd come" Sophie greeted them in a hug, they kissed Donny on the head. She turned to Gigi and Paulette who were still standing next to a nervous Ruby. Fernando stood by her side sensing her mood so he took her hand which she gladly excepted faking a smile. "Well I have already mentioned their names" the girl said addressing the two women, Gigi was eyeing Ruby but the girls voice got her attention "these are my mothers best friends and my other two dads, these are Paulette and Georganne, they are in charge or planning the party"

"Other two dads?" Gigi questioned

"It's a long story" Sam chuckled

"Darling why don't we go change so we can start rehearsal" Fernando said taking Ruby out of her trance, she hadn't said a word. Ruby was too busy being nervous in her sister's presence. He knew what she was feeling so he wanted to calm her down before she could sing in front of her sister.

Ruby started to speak softly "Fernando I don't know if-"

Sensing her grandma's discomfort, Sophie intervened "I'll go first while you get ready"

Ruby smiled at that, she walked towards the girl, hugged her and whispered in her ear "Thank you" when they broke apart Sophie nodded and Ruby walked off with Fernando.

"Let's sit down Gigi" Paulette said in a serious tone, Georganne knew she was in trouble so she grinned and walked off. Paulette turned to Sophie "I'm really sorry about her, I didn't want things to go down this road. They both mean a lot to me and I hate to see this happen, I always have" she said

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