Chapter 8

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I'm sorry for the delays guys, my country has been going through several earthquakes in row for the past month. I'm trying to settle again into normality as it subsides a bit from time to time. I don't think the story will be too long but I'm not sure yet, I never am haha. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

The trio got on the Jeep fast, the luckily the driver was waiting and already knew Ruby was heading to the plaza. Pauly and Gigi we're looking around amazed at the beautiful restaurant they just arrived. Once there, they were greeted by a young woman, Ruby rushed to her and smiled.

"Hi Bella, sorry I'm late. I wasn't expecting company on the island" she turned to her girls "Let me introduce you to my sister Georganne and my best friend Paulette"

"Hello, nice to meet you" Bella greeted then turned to Ruby "Don't worry, the kids are already in the back"

"Thank you sweetie" Ruby replied, Pauly and Gigi looked at each other intrigued "Come on"

They got to the small room on the back of the restaurant where there was approximately 10 children under the age of 7 and 12. They were all chatting until Ruby came into the run. Then they instantly sat in their respective places quietly. Pauly and Gigi were impress by the respect the children gave her.

Ruby stood in front of everyone after setting her things down and keyboard in place "Good afternoon class" she greeted happily

"Good afternoon miss Ruby" they all said

"I'm sorry I'm late but let's not waste no time and warm up" she instructed

"We already did miss Ruby, I warmed everyone up" an 11 year old girl said, the children groaned. The girl shot them a look, they were jealous because she was Ruby's favorite and thought she was just a teachers pet.

Ruby chuckled "Good job Mila" they smiled at each other, the older woman looking at the girl proud. Ruby cleared her throat before speaking "Ok then since you're all warmed up we can begin but before we do I have an announcement" she paused making sure the children listened "You know the songs we've been rehearsing these last few weeks?? well I talked to Sophie and she said we could perform at the anniversary celebration" the children celebrated, she looked at Pauly who had a confused expression "Pauly that counts as one of my solos which is the last one so nothing has changed" Pauly nodded understandably "Alright kids let's begin"

Ruby said straightening up, took directing position and the children started singing. Ruby kept a close eye on them, their eyes never left hers. Every time one of the kids went out of tune, she stared and sang in the right key lightly and he or she followed. As rehearsal kept on going, Pauly was incredibly impressed with the way she disciplined the kids. Gigi on the other hand, looked at her with a hint of jealousy. She saw how much her sister had and what she didn't. The woman saw how Ruby had everybody around her pleased. As for her, Gigi felt nothing she did was good enough for anyone. When the room went quiet, she stood up and walked out the door. Pauly followed her with concern and when Ruby noticed it she told the children she would be right back and went after them.

Before Georganne was out the door, Pauly called her "Gigi wait!!!" She stopped and Ruby stood in front of them. Everyone around looked alerted

Georganne turned around to face them, tear tracks and red cheeks showing on her face "I'm sorry but I can't, I can't even look at her" she said

"Georganne you can't pin this on me, I haven't done anything to you" Ruby

Georganne looked sternly at Ruby before arguing "Sis seeing how you are with those kids makes me feel bad" Ruby frowned in response, Gigi continued "They love you, everyone loves you. I may be working with Pauly but unlike you, I never fulfilled my dreams of being an actress. My second husband left me and my kids have their life and don't come to me anymore. Everyone respects you and follows you, you have everything and it makes me feel like nothing"

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