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A/N: This is copy pasted from my oneshot book

Fresh's POV

I was walking around snowdin. It was silent as I looked through my shades. People were laughing and having fun. Listening to music and stories. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned and saw a familiar skeleton. Error.

I couldn't help but smile upon seeing him. He had only recently let be be able to hold his hand, we were working on the physical affection.

"Wanna go to Grilbys? This AU has killer fries." He signed. I nodded putting my hands in my pocket as I followed him to the grillbys. We walked in and sat down, Error ordered something and turned to me.

"How have you been? We haven't seen eachother for about three days." Error signed

"Kinda sad..but it's ok! I've mostly just been bored." I signed back. Kinda sad was a bit of an understatement. I was worried sick about Error. He said something about Ink and left for three days.

"Oh no! I hope I can make it up to you." Error winked. Our fries came and we sat there for an hour signing back and forth to eachother snacking on our fries. We finished and Error paid.

We walked around the AU signing back and forth to eachother happily. I saw a portal open up in the corner of my eye, it looked like one of Inks. I paused and looked at where it was. Sure enough. Ink was standing there confused.

"It's Ink." I signed at Error, pointing at Ink. Error rolled his eyes. I could read lips pretty okay.

"Ink why are you here?" Error asked. I couldn't tell what Ink had said. He seemed to have said something aimed at me.

"What's he saying Error?" I asked.

"That I corrupted you and that you should leave while you still can." He responded. Ink looked confused.

"Fresh is deaf Ink." Error said. Ink froze.

"Wait if he doesn't know sign language can I make insults about him?" I asked excited. Error laughed and nodded. Ink looked so lost.

"Squid fucker." I signed with a smile on my face. Error burst out laughing and Ink looked so confused.
Ink said something (I'm guessing "what did he say?")

"Nothing important, now leave." Error said crossing his arms. Ink shrugged and left. Error put his arms down and I reached for his hand, taking it back the last second and putting it in my pocket. Error hadn't noticed and we kept walking around, having a conversation.

"Error." I signed. He nodded.

"I- never mind it's dumb." I signed looking away from him.

"Fresh come on don't play that game with me." Error signed with a pained look on his face.

"No it's a physical contact thing I don't wanna make you uncomfortable." I signed as we sat on a bench. I saw what looked like a sad sigh come from Error.

"Oh." Error signed quickly. He grabbed my hand and smiled. His hand was shaking a bit as I held it. I resisted the urge to rest my head on his shoulder and stuff. It was really hard not to just curl up on him since he was so warm!!

Most people usually think that Error's really cold but for a skeleton who feels dead when you touch it Error was the perfect temperature. I looked over at Error and he had a worried expression on his face.

"Error? You okay?" I signed worried. He snapped up like he was pulled out of a trance.

"Oh yeah I just...can't help but feel like we're being watched. Ever since Ink left I've had this weird feeling like something is gonna go wrong." He signed looking around.

I looked around too, I had a much better eye sight than Error, I saw some leaves rustling.

"I'll be right back, stay there." I signed getting up. Error nodded and I walked over to the bush. It was a froggit. I smirked and grabbed its soul, killing the monster. I walked back over to Error taking a bit out of the soul.

"You made your weird hissing noise again." Error smiled as I took another bite. I nodded finishing the soul. We sat for a few more minutes in peace full bliss.

All of a sudden Error fell over. He had a small crack on the back of his skull. I reached for him before a sharp pain erupted from my head and everything went black.

Deaf Fresh x ErrorWhere stories live. Discover now