Hehe Freshy time uwu

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Fresh's POV

The morning after sex around 5 am when your partner is still asleep and you're looking for cereal is the time you can learn quite a lot about a person. I got up out of bed ignoring the pain my pelvis was in to go look for food. It was like having the munchies but worse.

I went down to Errors kitchen to find Sci looking around. I stood in the doorway turning on the kitchen light. I was too tired for this. He looked at me.

"What the heck are you doing here?" I signed tiredly. He started talking then stopped himself and facepalmed.

He wrote down on a notebook he had I'm looking for the hearing aids. I rolled my eyes and took him to the living room, and pointed at the coffee table where they sat. He grabbed them as I went into the kitchen to get my cereal.

We were out of milk so I jotted it down sloppily on the grocery list and ate the cereal dry. Standing in the middle of the kitchen shoving dry Lucky Charms into my mouth isn't one of my greatest moments.

It dawned upon me that it was currently 5 in the morning. So I put my Lucky Charms away and flopped onto the couch (since Error and I cleaned it after the shower) and passed the hell out.


Sci's POV

I grabbed the hearing aids and teleported out of there. Blue said they most likely would have done "something" with a weird look in his eye, and he can read people better than I can. So I'm not looking through them. I just need to tweak them then I can give them back.

I had put microscopic cameras around their house (not in the bedroom or bathroom of course) just to see what Error was up to, none of us trusted him. I turned on the cameras and waited.

It was around seven am when movement occurred. Error had walked downstairs and to the couch where Fresh was sleeping, he turned on the light and Fresh woke up. I had audio as well as visual. But since Fresh didn't have his hearing aids in I had a translator put it.

"Everything hurts" Fresh signed shoving his face into Errors rib cage. Error laughed and held Fresh as they stood there in silence. Ink Blue and Dream came in grabbing seats.

"He's wearing Errors shirt and Errors wearing just shorts, DREAM YOU OWE ME 20 BUCKS!" Blue yelled.

"Wha..? No I-"

"Error also has hickies on his neck." Blue added holding out his hand. Dream groaned and handed Blue 20 coins and Ink cringed at the thought.

"They've been standing like this for 2 minutes. Just, standing there." I said clicking around.

"Breakfast?" Error signed

"Already had some." Fresh answered with a smile.

"Dry cereal doesn't count. I'm making you some toast or something." Error said with an annoyed look on his face. Fresh made some random noise and sat on the couch, shoving his face in the shirt.

"You made a translation software that does subtitles?" Ink asked. I nodded. I looked at the kitchen screen and watched as Error made toast.

"I put the cameras up. But they don't seem to be weird when other people aren't there. Other than the fact that the destroyer of aus is literally making toast for his boyfriend." I said.

Tee hee I ran out of ideas UwU

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