Sksk boyes

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I GOT THIS IDEA FROM @doodis2014
Also this is so short Im sorry hndbsnsh

Fresh sat on the couch biting his bottom lip out of boredom. Error was upstairs getting dressed. He came downstairs and threw pants at Fresh. Fresh frowned at Error.

"No." Fresh signed and threw the pants back.

"We're going on a date. Yes, you are putting pants on." Error said throwing the pants back at Fresh.

"Can I just not wear pants?" Fresh whined. Error shook his head with a laugh. Fresh put on the pants and stood up. Error teleported to Overtale with Fresh.

"I wish I still had my hearing aid things." Fresh signed looking around. Error got a few stares but he didn't mind, the villains were regulars in this au. They went there to decompress most of the time. Fresh had his hands in his pockets, Error had his hands by his sides.

"There's a cafe down the street and I was thinking we could go there? They have great coffee." Error said nodding to where the cafe was. Fresh shrugged and nodded. Once they got there, Error opened the door for Fresh.

Error ordered for both of them. They got their coffees and walked out.

"Do you have anywhere you want to go?" Error signed.

"I've never been here, can we just go exploring?" Fresh asked. Error nodded. Fresh chose a random direction and started walking, drinking his coffee as he walked. They threw away their empty cups around noon. Fresh looked around the town and Error followed. He had to grab onto Fresh's sleeve so he didn't loose him in the crowded marketplace.

Sadly four people were following Fresh and Error. Three had a mission, the fourth was there for his own amusement.

"Hey Error look! Look at the birds!" Fresh signed excitedly, pointing at some pidgins on the sidewalk.

"They're pigeons?" Error signed back.

"No Error they're spies. They work for the feds. Don't be a slave to the lizard people Error." Fresh said. Error chuckled.

"You've been watching conspiracy theories again haven't you?" Error signed with a smile.

"The birds work for the bourgeoisie god damnit Error don't be fooled." Fresh said. Error laughed and grabbed Fresh's hand and walked past the birds, glaring at them. They walked around for a while, Fresh glared at a couple more birds until they made it back home. Error unlocked the door and stepped in, Fresh walked in and closed the door behind him.

Fresh plopped on the couch slipping the pants Error has given him off. He threw the pants in Errors face.

"My legs will be free and now that we're home there is absolutely nothing you can ever do to stop me from taking my pants off." Fresh said with a determined look in his eyes. Error rolled his eyes and nodded, throwing the pants in a dirty laundry bin. Error got a notification from his phone.

He didn't check it as he walked over to Fresh, who was lying on the couch, watching the television with subtitles. Error picked Fresh up and laid his head in his lap. Fresh didn't care as he kept his eyes on the television. Error pet the smallers skull absentmindedly, looking at the episode. Error could hear soft purring coming from his loved one.

He smiled and looked at Fresh, who seemed to be struggling to stay awake. Error grabbed his phone and checked the notification. He scrolled through some random social media for a while before getting bored. He looked back at a peacefully sleeping Fresh. He put his phone back and picked Fresh up bridal style, carrying him to their shared bed.

Deaf Fresh x ErrorWhere stories live. Discover now