Chapter 7

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The weekend passed quickly with a bunch of eating and sleeping and finally it was Monday
Reece woke up with a big yawn while blink a few times before her eyes adjusted to the light coming in from her window. She reached over to her bedside table grabbing brush and walking to the bathroom with it in her hand ready to start the day. She knew her parents were back from their vacation becuase of the smell that could only be bacon and eggs. She smiled to her self while putting her hair up and getting dressed, again putting on her leather jacket with her black combat boots.

"Reece, honey, are you up!" Her mom yells from the kitchen. "Yes mom!" Reece yells back grabbing her bag heading out of her room.

She raced to the kitchen and grabbed the plate of food her mom had made for her eating it quickly and putting her plate and fork in the sink. She runs out the door with her helmet in her hands and hops onto her motorcycle without a sweat.

Jett waited in the school yard for Blake while pacing back and forth again, and again. "Dude what are you doing?" Blake asked concerned. Jett looked at Blake realizing he was finally here. He took a deep breath dragging Blake by the arm to the side of the school where no one would ever be or hear them at all.

"I need to talk to you about Reece!" Jett said almost yelling. "Okay, okay man, what? Did you finally realize that chick is crazy?!" Blake asked with his eyes wide almost popping out of his head. "No man...this is so weird! I-I dont know what shes doing to me! Shes changing me dude! Help me!" Jett yelled shaking his friend harshly. Blake removed Jetts hands from his shoulders and sighed. "What do you need help with?" Blake asked calmly. "I...I dont want to change for some stupid girl! We gotta do something...something bad...something horrible to make her hate me as much as I hate her!" Jett yelled a little to loud. "Alright man...heres the plan..." Blake started. "Make her fall for you....then break her...."

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