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What a beautiful morning it is, of course the sky is blue with no clouds in the way. Mikasa walks into her room and finds she hasn't unpacked her stuff yet. She saw the drawings she remembered from last night and picked them all up. She then sees the drawings that had her and Jean on it. She looks at it emotionless as she can be and throws it away, forgetting her past, forgetting him. It was time she moved on her manipulative boyfriend and be with someone else who she hasn't decided yet, or maybe she doesn't need one at the moment.


She then blushes at what she just said in her mind. Could Eren be the actual one for her? Maybe she just kissed him out of frustration. But he kissed back, maybe he felt bad for her and let it slide a couple of times. These negative thoughts were messing with her brain where she gave up and would deal with it later because she had to unpack tons of stuff that belonged to her.

She folds her shirts and pants and her embarrassing clothing. She decorates her room with flowers and drawings she drew when she was a little girl, she was surprise she still had those from back then. She flattens her bed sheet and folds her blanket, covering half of her small bed which wasn't too small but perfect size for her to spread her limbs apart all the way without hanging off the bed.

She grabs a scissor and looks at her mirror to cut her hair like Eren told her, she wasn't just obeying him, he was right. It almost killed her during her first time fighting the titans. She notices her scarf, her new scarf which Eren gave her last night. It was like a vow to protect her until he dies and to comfort her, it was warm and soft like every other scarf. But this red scarf holds a special place, she was once told it was meaning to the Red Strings Of Fate, where 2 people happily marry together and one of them had the red scarf.

"Eren. Thank you for saving me, not just my life but my emotions, my sanity and my spirit, my soul that was once broken now brought back place with no missing pieces on the ground." She looks at her new haircut that was for free, she looked good on it and cleans up the mess with her broom she packed for some reason.

Once she finally cleans up her room, she exits her dorm with a new her. She had changed her clothing, her hair, her appearance, her emotions, her soul and most importantly was her new goal. Her goal was unknown, but she felt like she had to protect him, him was not described yet so we will have to wait. Everyone saw her, most were confused to who she was, some were complimenting her looks saying that they wanna ask her out but there's one person who was surprised by this.

"Mikasa!" She turns around, flipping her hair and sees Armin who had a huge grin.

"Oh hey Armin!" She waves at him with a smile. That smile told everything that Armin needed to know.

"So I bet you didn't cut him off but got closer." He smirks, teasing his now and only best friend. He broke his friendship with Jean and so did Mikasa. They didn't want a heart breaker in their trio so they decided to add a new person, Eren.

"Yes, you can say that." She blushes a little, covering her mouth and nose with her scarf.

"I saw Eren wearing that scarf once, did he give it to you as a gift." He teases more and more at Mikasa who was completely red at this point.

"I was just cold, I never asked if I could have it. My instincts were to just take it with me." Her excuse was an obvious lie to Armin, he just sigh and takes the scarf off from her neck. This obviously frighten Mikasa as she attempts to grab it from him but failed many times. It felt like Armin was taller for a moment till she tip toed and grabs it.

"Please don't do that again, it's precious to me now." She wraps it around her cold neck which was now warm again.

"Told you!" He laughs at her as they finally reached the cafeteria to see Eren just eating by himself. He was more like day dreaming about whatever he day dream about, his mind was weird to others but still had the same goal to kill the titans.

"Sup Eren." Armin waves at him, hoping he finally remembers his name.

"Sup Arman" He mispronounces his name on accident but Armin let's it slide and said it was good enough to himself.

"Hi Eren." She sits next to him, wanting him to compliment her. He just looked confused but happy again and says, "So you actually cut your hair. I thought you wouldn't since you're a girl."

This took surprise from both Armin and Mikasa who just fell down the seats from his dumb answer. "Eren, she wants you to compliment her." Armin whispers in his ears which Eren grew more confused, then he realizes how beautiful she is. He was so caught up with daydreaming he forgot how stunning she looked with her new appearance.

"You look like you're the only perfect being in this earth." Eren finally compliments her which red cheeks grew on her face.

"T-Thank you, you look handsome." She stutters from his words, she thought she would a common 'you look beautiful' cliche sentence but it was way different then she expected.

"Well you are right, you're either perfect or you're not me." Eren was just mentioning his dream from a week ago where there was a blonde with a receding hair line fighting a green monster that sucks people dry.

"V-Very true in fact." She jumps in the conclusion which also made Eren blush.

Aw cmon you 2! Just admit it! I know this is too fast and Mikasa just got out of a relationship but just please! Armin's mind and thoughts were repeating this exact sentence.

"Huh, never thought I would get complimented by a girl besides my mother. Oh well, eat up." Eren holds his spoon and holds his soup bringing it to Mikasa's face.

"Uhhh-Uhhhh, what are you doing Eren?" She was flushing red again but even more where it was redder than her scarf.

"You forgot to get your breakfast so I thought I just let you eat mine." Both Mikasa and Armin forgot about it and just sat down with Eren instantly. Armin realizes this and grabs the last remaining bowl of soup.

"Sorry I took the last one Mikasa, looks like Eren has got to feed youuuuu." He teases her before eating his soup.

"Ahhh." Eren's spoon was waiting for her mouth to open. Mikasa finally had the audacity to open her mouth and eats it. It may have tasted like a normal soup but to her, it tasted marvelous like she had discovered a new food. "Is it good?" Eren asks with a worried face due to Mikasa's face who look like she was gonna throw up.

"It tastes great." She smiles before kissing his cheeks. Armin witnessed it and felt accomplished and life was complete.


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