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i said a bad word today XDDD

michael told me to say it, so it's not my fault :(

i called mommy a gay bitch and michael started laughing so much he cried. it wasn't very nice because mommy took me outside the room to tell me how calling others a gay bitch inst nice

so i said i was sorry and she said it was ok :)

daddy told me to go do something so i said no you gay bitch. he looked at mommy and she shook her head. i think they can talk to each other through magic because they do that a lot

mommy told me thst calling daddy a gay bitch made him upset and now hes anrgy and i dont know why. michael told ne to do it, and everything be says is true, so i always do what michael tells me

one time, michael told me to go into the pool naked so i did and mommy and daddy werent very happy eith me, i ahve no idea why

michael also told me that it was a good thing to do if i slapped mommys butt, so i did and she thought i was somebodg called william, but i dont know who that is. anyway, i got yelled at because she said what i did was unacceptable, i told her i was sorry and she said it was okay

another thing michael told me to do was to tske some of daddys pills, so i did. it was very weird because rhings werr going fuzzy . so i think daddy wears glasses or soemthijf because of his pills. o got yelled at that for too but i dont remmeber what happend because i wass high af

i also pooped in the backyard once. mochael didnt tsll me to do that, i just felt like being a dog. speaking of dog, mommy told me not to take him into the backyard anymore because he pooped. but it was me hehehehe

also, i lile having all thses dogs in the basement. i have so many friends to olay with :)

OH sometimes michael tells me to eat dog food. i always tell him thats gross and then he calls me a coward. i dont know what that means but it dounds angry, so i ate it anyway :) it wasnt that bad

i want a cat, but daddy says a dog is enough. i dont believe him, so my next purchase with his credit card will be a cat.

speaking of cat, i want chinese foood. im not allowed to eat it anymore because last time i did i swell ip and we had to go to the hospital. idk what it was?? but now mommy and daddy wont let me eat chinese food.

my favorite veggie is carrot, what about yours?

michael says that carrots are good for eyesight, so he told me to put some in ny eyes. i folded them in under my eyelids and ran into the living room. when daddt asked me what i was doing i told gim that carrots are food for eyesight and that he should do what i was doing because hes blind

i wonder why hellen jeller didbt put carrots in her eyes?

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