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hello everyone, i am actually really scared that mommy and daddy are gonna find my journal, so i have decided to hide it under dresser because my bed is a mess and i'm scared that mommy will clean it one day.


i think i mention how much i do not like michael. he thinks because he is older than me mean he is better and i don't think that is true. why does mike get to have phone and i don't? him daddy and mommy all have really nice phones and stuff and i have this fucking ipad shut wtf. at least chris doesn't have a phone yet, he just reads all the time and it scares me.

i feel like me and mommy are the only normals one in this whole house and it scares me. like, chris never fucking talks to me, michael is gay, and daddy is actually crazy or something and i don't think any of them are normal.


so i went into michael's room because i was bored and i found his pod earphone things or whatever. they were charging on his wireless charging thing which idk how it works but i think he has it bc he's spoiled and i'm not :(


i stole them and brought them back to my room because i been able to hold them before and that makes me sad because they look very cool. i want arepodes too :(

so i took it out if the container, which i think i broke because the whole top cane off? i thought it it was supposed to do that until the whole thing snapped off.

so i took them out and put one in my mouth and i think that it tastes very weird. like plastic and i don't really like the way plastic tastes. but i swallowed jr whole anyway with water and now i think i might return them to michael since i'm finished.

so i pjt it back inside and tried to put the cap back on but it wouldn't stay. so when i put it on the charging pad thingy i places it so it looked closed. i hope he doesn't get too mad with me because i don't have any money to buy him new ones.


michael cane upstairs literally as soon as i sat down on my bed and i was very shocked. i turn of ipad and look like i was doing that the whole time. micke yelled something but i couldn't hear very well but i think it was about me lmao.

mommy cane into my room and sat down on bed. she asked me if i knew what happened with michael and i said i had no idea. she looked st me weird so i told her that i was hungrh and thought they would taste good.

i think she paniced because she brought me downstairs and told daddy we were going to doctors or soemthing?


i went to the hospital and it was very very very very boring. we sat in waiting room for a long long long time and then they brought us to some dumb ass room. they fucking put shit in my mouth and stuff on my arm and it squeezed me so i cried.

they brought us to hallway and said to wait for x rat and i don't what that means but when we went in i cried becuse it was really scary and mommy couldn't stand right next to me.

they made me lay down on the table and i kept crying. when we done we were told back to a room and we waited and waited and then the doctor came in and said everything would be fine i think. i'm pretty sure they found aurpod but said it would come out  in poop.

so every thing is fine and i think that's a good thing. i might give the airpod back to michael when is come out lmaolmaolmao.

when i came back michael boyfriend dan was there and then we're holding hands and being gay lmao. dan has darker skin than michael and i think that's cool because he is really tan and has really curly hair and i think he is also jewish.

i don't know what jewish is so i asked daddy and he said it was a religion. i asked what religion we were and he said that mommy was a christian. i asked what me and michael and chris were and he said that we were also probably christian. i asked him what he was and he said he didn't believe in god, he also told me that he thinks michael feels the same way but not to ask him about it.

so i asked him anyway and he told me that he didn't believe in god because god doesn't like gay people. i asked his boyfriend why he wasn't freaking out and he said because region was just a subject and that it shouldn't affect people's relationships.

i don't know what any of that means but i thinks dan is pretty cool because he isn't white. i remember someone called michael racist once and i think that's funny because michael isn't racist.


somehow michael had aerpod in and i think he is using one of his boyfriends because they were sharing and i think that's really nice.

michael started laughing all of a sudden and my stomach felt kinda funny. he asked me to come closer and he put his ear on my stomach and he was laughing harder. he kept pressing the volume buttons on his phone which made his laughing go crazy. he told his boyfriend to do the same thing and then they were both laughing

i asked why and he said he could hear the music from the airpod i swallowed. i was scared so i started crying and he told me to stop being a little bitch so i grabbed his phone and threw it than ran away.

i think michael is really mean and should die IMMEIDATTLEY

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