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"You have your clothes all packed?" Seonghwa asks Hongjoong for the fourth time as they're getting ready to leave to find their home back in Korea, "Plenty of socks? Water? Food?"

"Baby," Hongjoong shushes him, bringing the worried Omega in his arms and he instantly calms down, "You shouldn't be stressing. It is bad for them both."

"I know but I can't help but worry," Seonghwa sniffles, "You're going back there-"

"I have Mingi," Hongjoong reassures him, "He's capable of more than you can imagine."

Seonghwa sighs, nodding his head softly as he whispers, "Just please be careful. Our twins need a father and Youngie's daughter needs Mingi."

Hongjoong chuckles, kissing the Omega's nose, "How many times do I need to tell you to stop worrying?"

Seonghwa arches his eyebrow, the worry glint in his eyes turned into sass immediately, "A million and one."

Hongjoong laughs, leaning in and placing gentle kisses on Seonghwa's face, neck, chest, shoulders, anywhere he can reach that his skin was exposed. He even leaned down and places two kisses on his barely visible baby bump, "There, plenty for my mate and two for my pups. That will last you a while."

Seonghwa giggles, placing his hand on Hongjoong's when the Alpha touches his belly, "Return to me in one piece."

Hongjoong nods, standing and placing one last kiss on the Omega's trembling lips before wiping the tears cascading down his pink cheeks, "I'll be back in a week."

Mingi steps out of the house, bidding farewell to Jongho, San, and Yeosang by the door. Yunho and Wooyoung were waiting for him down the porch steps, Mingi stepping down and kissing Yunho first. Their lips stayed locked in a single kiss for a while before Yunho pulls away for air, cupping Mingi's cheeks in his hands, "I love you."

Mingi smiles, "I love you too," he kisses Yunho's forehead, looking over at Wooyoung before looking into Yunho's eyes, "Watch over him please, if anything happens promise me you will keep him safe?"

Yunho hesitates at first, but if he wants Mingi and him to be together he knows he's going to have to start accepting the baby and Wooyoung. After all, if Yunho isn't able to have children... Wooyoung is their only option for having babies with Mingi and giving them children.

Plus, he's grown quite fond of the little baby girl growing in his belly, imagining who she will look more like and what kind of person she will grow to be. He needed to be civil for his mate's child, for Mingi's sake. Yunho nods, accepting the kiss to his forehead, then his nose, and then his lips before Mingi pulls away.

Mingi then moves over to Wooyoung, smiling to him before leaning in and hugging the mother of his baby girl. He pulls away and cups Wooyoung's face, "Take care of yourself, and if anything happens Yunho is supposed to protect you. Both of you."

Wooyoung nods, watching as the Alpha gets on his knees and presses his face against his swollen belly. He puts his hands on either side, feeling tiny kicks and flutters on his hand and they make him chuckle. He presses a couple kisses on the bump where he can feel her kicking, "Daddy will be back in a week. Go easy on mommy."

He feels her kicks and her wiggles some more before finally standing and pulling away from his daughter. Wooyoung giggles, "She's definitely a daddy's girl."

Mingi laughs, looking at Hongjoong and seeing the Alpha is ready to leave. He catches up with him, hugging Seonghwa before finally the two Alphas leave. Jongho comes over to Wooyoung, wrapping his arm protectively around the Omega and resting a hand on his belly. Wooyoung links their fingers together, worry growing in his chest for their journey.


Seonghwa frowns as he watches the sun setting in their back yard. He had a strange feeling, as if they weren't alone and he wasn't sure if it was just him over reacting since his mate is gone. It's only the first night and he feels as if he's finally gone insane.

He feels a tap on his arm and turns his head to see Yeosang. The mute boy smiles, "What are you looking at?"

Seonghwa hums, "I'm over reacting. I feel like something is watching us, but surely there's nothing watching us. I'm just..."

Yeosang nods, taking the Omega's hand in his, "Your protective barrier is gone, therefore you feel more vulnerable. That's how I feel when I'm away from San. It's the mating bond."

Seonghwa sighs, placing his free hand on his belly and nods, "You're right. I need to quit worrying. San was right, if the people from our old packs wanted us back, we'd be there right now or we would all be dead. It's been three years, surely Baekhyun has given up looking by now."

Yeosang nods, "Same goes for my.... parents," he shudders, leaning into Seonghwa, "Let's go inside, it's a little cold out here."

Seonghwa nods, "Yes, we can't afford to have a sick pack. Hongjoong will be furious if one of us fell ill especially since me and Wooyoung cannot take any medications."

Yeosang smiles once more before leading Seonghwa inside the house where it's nice and warm. While outside however, as darkness forms a blanket over the house something in the shadows watches them from afar, not moving an inch until the coast was clear to do so. The shadow backs away from the brushes, waiting until he's far away before making a run for home.

He must tell the Head Alpha what he had seen, he will be glad to hear his prize is still alive and well. He won't be too thrilled about the Omega being pregnant, but they can always fix that.

It was easy to poison a pup in the womb.


.......aaaaaaaand cue the comments-

I have no words for this cliffhanger. I will say, I'm happy for Ateez!!! They got their first win and they were so happy!! They deserve it!!!! I'm trying to update as much as possible guys, it just requires patience ☺️ thank you to those that are patient I really appreciate it so much!!

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