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That's all she could feel.

Opening her eyes, the sunlight blinded her and she groaned before lifting her head. Even that was too painful for her to do, soon letting her head fall back and thud onto the wet soil. Realizing what happened, she was in awe on how she was even alive. I got electrocuted...son of a bitch. Seraphina was somewhat glad that after fighting all her life, a string of electricity from the sky wasn't the cause of her death. The embarrassment she'd face, even dead, if her brothers and father would hear if she died from it.

After many failed attempts to compose herself, she finally sat up and looked at her surroundings. The trees were different. The fire was gone, even the fallen tree she was perched up against earlier was gone. She looked down and realized where she was.

In a ditch. Was she thrown?

Suddenly, a throbbing pain shot up her leg and she doubled over in pain. The bullet in her thigh and laceration on her shin reminded her of her condition as the adrenaline started to fade away.

Glancing to her right, she saw the sacks of supplies and she sucked in a breath.

"Where the hell am I?" she muttered, and crawled to the bags. Reaching in one of them, she found the very thing she needed at the moment.

The walkie talkie.

Turning it on and pulling out the antenna, she switched to channel 40.

Her breath got caught in her throat; she was going to do something she never in a million years wanted to do. She needed help. She closed her eyes in defeat and brought the speaker close to her lips.

"Glenn...," she started shakily. "I need help. I got shot and I'm hurt real bad." She looked up at checked her surroundings once again. "I don't know where I am."

She let go of the speaker button and waited for a response but was only met with static. She sighed in frustration.


A loud, painful ring soon echoed through the walkie, causing Seraphina to drop it onto the floor as she clutched her ears, grunting lowly as she tried to rub away the pain but it didn't work.

She quickly grabbed it again and turned the power off but the ringing wouldn't stop, so she grabbed her machete and impaled the blade against it, not stopping until it was completely shattered and the ringing soon faded away. She panted, her fight or flight mode kicking in, and the adrenaline starting to flow through her veins again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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