Chapter6: where things went wrong

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When my girlfriend had just admitted to cheating on me I was devastated and didn't know what to think. I told her that we would take a break after that confession, because I couldn't trust her after that. A few days later I saw her with Elliot as he put his arm around her. In that moment I knew that she was cheating on me with him that's when I decided I need to get him back for stealing my girlfriend. We hadn't been friends with each other since I got new friends when I transferred. During my first class i saw the most beautiful girl in the whole world. however I never lost sight what I was going to do once Elliot transferred to my school a few months later.

Then just as I was putting my plan in motion this beautiful girl came up to me. "Hey what are you doing sitting by yourself?" she, asked me. "I uh was um just waiting for a beautiful blonde such as yourself to join me." he, first said to me nervously. Then I asked him if he says that to all the girls he first lays his eyes on. "I don't know I think you're the first real girl I've tried that line on." he, said to me. I was extremely flattered I think I may have blushed a little, she blushed a lot anyway I decided to introduce myself to him. "Hey I'm Caria Cancio I'm new here......... and you are?" she, said to me. For a split second as I was shaking her hand I completely forgot what my name was then I just said to her.

 "Oh yeah um my name is Santiago Lopez so uh Caria do know anyone here or um did you just transfer here or what?" he nervously asked me. "Actually I came as an exchange student from" I barely finished the sentence when he said. "The Fordham High School for the Arts, yeah I've heard all about you your like one of the best students there." I just said to her. Then I nervously said "I'm just guessing because your uncle talks about at his diner all the time." then I told him that it was very sweet of him and then said to him "and you must've had your heartbroken by your girlfriend right?" I told her that I did and that she could spend the whole lunch period with me if she wanted. I said I would love to join him, and we started talking and soon became close friends.

A few years later I got the courage to ask her out on a date when I was getting ready to ask her I was so nervous at first. Then I took a deep breath and then I just took out my phone and asked her if she was free that following Friday night. As soon as he texted me that message I replied by asking what he had in mind. Then I told her that I would take her dancing at the best place that I knew that had great dance music.

That Friday night when he came to pick me up I could tell that he was stunned. " I've never seen you in a dress like that. You look really beautiful Caria I hope you know that." When he said that it made me feel like I was all that he cared about in the world. Then he took me by the hand and drove us to this ballroom dance party at his old dance studio. When the first song played I took her by the hand and lead her into a waltz. When we were dancing it felt like I was in heaven with an angel who stole my heart.

While we were dancing I got so nervous that I asked her "So was your Boyfriend okay with this?" At first I didn't know how to answer that question he suddenly asked me. Then she simply replied to me "I don't have a boyfriend, well not anymore anyways." I told her that I felt sorry for her & asked her what happened with her and her boyfriend. I told him that we just didn't see eye to eye on things and didn't have the same goals set for one another in life. Then towards the end of our waltz I nervously blurted out, "Well my heart got broken because I found out that my girlfriend was cheating on me with my best, well ex-best friend." after he said that to me I just felt so bad for him that he had to go through that pain before he met me.

As "Dangerous Woman" by Arianna Grande came on over the speakers I suddenly asked her. "Do you know any Latin dances or do you need me to teach you?" I told him I knew a few as I took the skirt off from underneath my dress. Then he took me by the hand and spun me into him as he dipped me. As we danced to the song I felt like he was leading me into a world of dancing I never thought was possible. During our first argentine tango I lifted her up in the best way in knew how. During that lift I felt his arms bring me down and I felt his arm wrap around my waist. As I secured her as she brought one of her legs down to where she placed her foot on the other knee. In that moment I felt like we were the only people in the room dancing at the time. At the end I felt her turn towards me and put her right arm around my neck. I felt him spin me around as he put me back on the ground, I felt her move in closer as she put her leg around my right side. As I put my right arm around his neck I felt him pull me in closer. Then as soon as she felt secure I felt like everything was falling into place as our lips touched.

After that night we could barely hide our feelings for each other anymore and we started dating soon after. While we were dating we were the cutest couple at our school. Then one day I got a call from my mom saying that someone from her agency saw one of my showcase videos for one of my classes at school and wanted to work with me. So that summer I went to L.A. for a little while, but Caria and I were still together and still kept in touch when I left Salinas. Everything was great between us we even promised we'd never sleep with anyone until we slept with each other. Then a few weeks after our 1-year anniversary I saw another girl in L.A. and we started to hanging out. When I found out I was not happy with it, but I couldn't let it show. However a few nights into this things went sour. I started hanging out with Elliot and well that night we got into a huge fight via text message. Things were said he, accused me of cheating,and she said that I didn't care about us, but then what we both said after that was completely wrong. He said that a life without meeting me would be easier. Then she said I'd rather be Elliot than with you. I still can't believe I said that to him. It still hirts that I said that to her. So after that we decide to take a break from each other for at least awhile. A few months and even years went by and we missed each other but we had to give each other a little time to breathe. However what I found out next really tore my heart in two. I found out that he was cheating on me via text from his ex-best friend Elliot.

Thats when I felt betrayed and I felt extremely heartbroken all at the same time when I heard the news from Elliot. Then Elliot put his arm around me, and he told me that he would always be there for me no matter what. As soon as the other girl and I went our separate ways all I could think about was Caria. After that day I've never forgiven Santi for what he did to me. After that bombshell a few weeks into Elliot and my relationship I got some news about my parents I wasn't ready for. My uncle had told me that when my mom and dad came back from my nonna's funeral. A few weeks after they got back my dad had gotten very sick.

Then he told me that because they weren't, I don't even want think about that right now it's too heartbreaking for me. Once the school found out about what had happened I got only a small portion of support from the students. The only support I got when I got Stella was from Elliot and all my friends and my family. In the following months I got a little support from his friends, who asked if Stella was the reason that I left Salinas. Hearing that just broke my heart even more, knowing that day by day he was getting more and more famous. It also broke my heart knowing that Stella and I were just something he didn't seem to care about.

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