Chapter 2: Arriving in Beacon

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Jaune was having an interesting morning. He just left the bullhead and barely avoided throwing his guts up and now he is at a school that is in the sky. And he feels like crap.

Maybe it's because he didn't get any sleep from last night.

Maybe because he woke up late, almost missed the Bullhead.

Maybe because he couldn't find his friends in the ocean of students.

Maybe because his dad gave him one of his signature deadly hugs.








Yeah, that's probably it.

His thoughts were then interrupted by a familiar voice,


He looks to the source of the voice and sees a girl in a familiar red hood.

"Hey Ruby," Jaune smiled.

"You remember my name?" Ruby asked surprised.

"Yeah," Jaune responds, "Why wouldn't I Remember the name of a cute girl?"

Ruby was stunned. Her cheeks were then dashed with a light red.

"Ruby!" A loud voice called out, "Where did you go?"

"I am over here Yang!" Ruby exclaimed.

Suddenly a blond girl emerged from the crowd of people, revealed herself to Jaune and Ruby. She had lilac eyes and wore a brown jacket and short shorts. She was also revealing quite a bit of skin. She definitely caught Jaune's eye and noticed his eye's on her.

"Like what you see?" the girl teased making her "personality" bigger and more noticeable.

Jaune's eyes then went wide. He took a moment to calm himself and clearly spoke,

"I do quite like what I see."

Jaune was so used to be being flirted with thanks to Cinder, he had ways to deal with flirts.

"Hahaha-Wait what?" Yang spoke dumbfounded.

"You look surprised," Jaune smirked.

Yang's mind went blank. 'What the hell just happened?' She spoke internally.

Jaune puts out his gloved right hand and greeted her, "My name is Jaune Arc"

Yang's mind started working again and took Jaune's hand and greeted him back, "The name's Yang."

When Yang shook his hand, it was stiff and firm but warm. She looked up from the handshake, she then saw a pair of soft blue eye's and a smile that actually felt genuine.

Not one of those creepy smile's that she gets on a daily basis. No. But an actual honest to god smile. She could stare at it for ages.

"Ummm, Yang you have been staring at me for ages now," Jaune said concerned.

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