Chapter 5: Introductions

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"W-Weiss?" A thirteen-year-old blond boy said as he looked around his surroundings, "Where am I?"

He was in an empty white abyss. Behind him was a grand black pair of doors with multiple symbols scribed on it.

"Ah, about time a human visited me," a voice commented.

Jaune's eyes widened as a white figure with a mouth that was about his height formed in front of him.

"W-Who are you?" Jaune asked confused.

"I am so glad you asked," the figure smiled, "You may have many names for me. You may call me Creator. You may even call me God. But, you know me better as The Brother of Light."

Jaune's eyes widen in shock. "W-What? What's going on here?"

Suddenly, the pair of doors opened. Jaune turned around to see a giant eye in a black mass of the opening.

"You offered a helping arm to a friend," the figure said as Jaune screamed. He was pulled into the void by flat shadow-like hands. "Now, it shall be taken away."

The doors closed sealing Jaune's fate.


Jaune felt a stinging in his cheeks as he jolted up.

"Neo," Jaune sighed, "You need to stop doing that."

Neo simply cocked her head to the side and smiled.

"Mr. Arc."

Jaune looked to the source of the voice to see, a blond-haired woman with glasses. 'Oh crap,' Jaune thought nervously.

Miss Goodwitch pushed up her glasses. "I would very much appreciate it if you didn't sleep during my class and get your appropriate hours of sleep the night before," She suggested strongly.

"Sorry, Miss Goodwitch," Jaune smiled weakly.

"Just make sure it doesn't happen again," Glynda nodded, "Also, you're sparring against Cardin Winchester."

"Wait, what!" Jaune cried out, "Can I just not do that?"

"Why scared, Fullmetal?" Cardin shouted causing him and his team to snicker.

Jaune shook his head, 'He really isn't dropping that nickname,' Jaune thought to himself. Cardin started calling him "Fullmetal" mainly because of his metal arm. 'It doesn't even make sense,' Jaune said to himself, 'I'm not even made fully out of metal.'

RWBYCNEMNPR glared at Cardin and his goons.

"You can," Glynda paused as Jaune looked relieved, "If you want your grade to go down."

Jaune sighed. "I'll go get changed then," Jaune said defeated.


Jaune left the locker room and entered the arena. Jaune wore his typical outfit which was jeans and a black sweatshirt. He saw Cardin, already in his combat outfit, leaning on his mace.

"You arrived late, Jaune," Cardin commented, "I guess you're really trying to delay the inevitable."

"There was a time I was supposed to get here?" Jaune asked confused, "I don't remember Miss Goodwitch telling us a time to be here by."

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