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Just like Steve claimed, Clint bought fireworks. Clint bought a shit ton of fireworks. So many in fact, that each of them helped Clint unload them from his mom's black 2016 Dodge minivan. Arm fulls, to be more specific.

Gleefully, Steve glanced over his shoulder and said, "Clint, you've really outdone yourself."

"Just imagine how much you'll get for your next birthday," Clint teased.

The four carried their haul into the Rogers' garage, and Bucky was positive that they'd get in trouble for having that many items. It was inevitable. He just hoped that no one would get hurt. And that they wouldn't accidentally burn someone's house down.

"Teve, Teve," Conner called out, his tiny footsteps echoing in the hallway.

"In here, pal," Steve called, placing his hands on his hips as he looked over all the explosives in wonderment.

A nearly naked Conner in nothing but a diaper, stood in the doorway. He had a yellow wiffle ball bat in hand as he announced, "Teve, Nat's here."

"Okay. Thanks, pal," Steve smirked. Heading over to the doorway, Steve lifted Conner into his arms and left the garage.

Since Steve left, so did the other three boys. Bucky expected to see Natasha in the hallway, waiting for them. But she wasn't. Steve must have been confused too because he asked Conner, "Where is she?"

"Kit-ten," Conner answered, pointing in the general direction of the kitchen.

As Steve went to carry Conner up the short staircase to the main level of the house, Natasha started climbing down it. Pausing on the second step from the top while Steve stopped on the second from the bottom. Immediately, Steve started backtracking; trying not to fall or trip over the other boys.

At the top, Natasha quirked a brow and smirked at the scene of the tall teens trying to move out of the way while also glancing up at her. Natasha greeted the teens, "Fellas."

"Nat," Steve greeted, all the while Conner started repeating, "Fay-yahs."

Grabbing some white chocolate covered trail mix from the blue solo cup in her hand, Natasha said, "You know that Alana is busting her ass in the kitchen for you, right?"

Steve glanced around Natasha as though he could see into the kitchen. Of course, he couldn't. Turning his gaze to Conner, Steve sighed and smiled at the toddler, "Looks like you're hanging out with us, pal."

"Yay!" Conner exclaimed, cheerily clapping his hands.

Almost completely oblivious to the fact that he was still holding on to the yellow wiffle ball bat. The other boys weren't as oblivious though, and attempted to lean away from the bat as it swung around like crazy in the toddler's chubby hands. Natasha was the one who finally stepped up and took the bat from Conner's grasp.

Playfully, she rolled her eyes and teased, "How do any of you even survive without me?"

"I'm starting to wonder the same thing," Sam voiced, sending Nat a flirtatious wink.

Narrowing her eyes, Natasha observed Sam before pointing the bat at him and announcing, "The new boy's my new favorite."

"Rude," Bucky half-mocked.

"You know what?" Clint questioned. Natasha glanced over at him and her smirk grew when Clint continued, "Same. Sam's the best. Let's just get that out of the way."

"Sam's the best," Natasha agreed with a small it-is-what-it-is shrug.

"That's cool," Steve stated, feigning offense as he continued, "It's not like it's my birthday or anything. Nope. It's totally fine that I'm no one's favorite."

Summer In Your Eyes: Seasons Series 1 (Lifeguard!Steve x Bucky Barnes Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now