I will escape

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Sam was chained in some dungeon, he didn't know this one so it must have been of a kingdom his father destroyed long ago... Not that it mattered to him, he knew James was here but right now he was going to finish getting a plan set up to escape and be with Jas once again, he tried to see what was around but it was like James made sure there was barely anything in sight making Sam begin to slowly loose hope at this problem... But then he shakes his head and focused on the main problem that he had right now.

The faint sound of steps coming closer to where he was made him glare as James came around, he had this smug look as Sam kept glaring towards his brother "You look bored there brother. I know you don't like sitting around but it's for a good cause" he explained as Sam snapped at him "Screw you! Let me go! I need to get back to Jasmine because she needs me!!" Sam shouted making James sigh and roll his eyes and walk slightly around the place he chained his brother at, Sam was still shouting things as a new set of steps came over to reveal Carrie with a smirk making him growl in anger from seeing her "This is Carrie, even after how rude you were at the restaurant she has decided to give you another chance" James said as she smiled making Sam try to attack them.

James walked off as Carrie slowly walked over to the chained incubi who was simply trying to get a way to kill her "Now, now don't be rude... I won't go too far... Well unless you want to go far" she giggled as Sam tried attacking her once again making her back away in slight worry towards his actions, she then huffed while trying to find a way to get Sam to allow her to move forward... But she didn't know any spells that would help her as she began pacing the room as Sam began thinking about Jas like he slowly wanted to see again, Carrie noticed how distracted he was and decided to take a shot by kissing him but he then bit her which made her jump back in surprise to his actions as she noticed she was bleeding.

"You fucker!! You bit me and i'm now bleeding because of you!!!" she shouted making him simply smirk with a chuckle at what he did to her, he really was happy with his actions as she began moving around in anger while mumbling about how rude he was for doing this to her when she simply is trying to give him another chance at dating her... But he wasn't interested in her but Jasmine as she was bearing his child right now and anything could happen to them while he was stuck here, he began to struggle so he can escape which Carrie noticed and began to giggle "Aww~ does my boyfriend want to get out of the chains? I don't mind if you give me a kiss" she said making him growl once again at her.

There was no way in hell that he would kiss her, he would rather die then kiss her at all so for now he would try to get out on his own with what he can do, but she simply giggled as she waited for him to beg her to let him out of the chains in exchange of a kiss... She turned to the sound of quick steps and before she could say anything she was stabbed and sent to the ground, Sam looked to see Ezaeur looking panicked but focused "What happened to Jasmine!?" he shouted as he followed her "She collapsed! We thought it was nothing but then I sensed how weak she was from lack of energy! If we can't get her energy inside of her she will die before the next sunset!" she said making Sam run off to get to Jas.

When he arrived to there room... He felt his heart breaking at the sight of her condition of being so pale and weak, he moved to her side quickly as she began to cry of joy at him being there at last "I was getting worried... You were gone for a week" she explained making him cry in return as he moved to hold her close, he didn't know what to do right now... Making her into a succubus was sadly out of the question as she would die during the whole thing so all he could do was hold her close and pray from some sort of miracle to happen and save her life.

He was so badly scared of what might happen to her as the sun began to set and he knew she would die... And there would be nothing he can do about it, he watched as to his surprise Ezaeur rushed in and made Jasmine drink something, at first none of them said anything but then Jasmine looked to be better then she had been before making them sigh in relief at how she was doing better now "We at last finished a potion to help her regain energy that she lost at first" Ezaeur explained making Sam nod as he got Jas to lay down as the succubus then left the two alone to sleep as Sam saw James getting captured as he left.

Knowing that Jasmine was alright now... It made him happy to the good news as he held her close, she giggled and slowly began closing her eyes to get some sleep making him smile and watch over her for a bit just for this one last night before going to sleep like she was doing at the moment, he missed the times they would sleep together and sometimes she would be lucky enough to wake up before he did, he simply loved the smile she would have when that happened as he knew how much she loved watching him sleep a bit on those few times she got a chance to do so... And now they were safe at last.

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