To training we go!

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When Sam removed the glamour, Jas had watched him the whole time... And then he put some pants and shoes on making her giggle at him, he thought she was laughing because he was in his real form but with clothes but then he realized that she might not have seen this form all that much "So you like this form huh?" he said making her giggle as he walked over to her, she watched him for a second as he then pinned her to the bed she sat on which made her blush towards him at that moment while his eyes slowly turned golden making her feel hot.

He nuzzled her neck slowly as she moaned in pleasure as they slowly removed there clothes and got them to the floor, she was trying to hold Sam but he was simply smirking at her effort as he pleasured her body to get the results he wanted from her... He just wondered how long he would last from this, but when he heard knocking on the door he knew it was time to go and sadly what he was doing to the girl he loves would need to wait a bit, he sighed and pulled away and then used his powers to make Jas go to sleep for now so when he comes back she would be awake and they could get back to what they started.

When he left her there to get to training, he was smiling the whole time as he was very excited for when he would come back to her... But for now training had to be done first and he was ready for it for when it would be all worth it for when James comes to fight him as there was no way he was going to loose now as he was going to stay with Jasmine no matter what happens, when he arrived it was to the sight of his brother's all ready to fight making him smirk as he walked inside as he got ready to fight at that moment with them for training, Damien saw this and he could tell from Sam's thoughts that he was excited for training to be over as he would be with Jas right after that.

They got started as Irene and Twila watched them work hard making them both smile, they were amazed at how strong they were and all but at the same time Sam was fast making them have a hard time to focus on him and his location, they trained for a good few hours until Twila turned to the sight of Jasmine walking in with a faint yawn making Irene giggle and sign her to come over, she slowly did and sat down with another yawn making Irene allow her to lay her head on her lap to sleep a bit more while the boys trained "Not enough sleep?" Twila asked as Jasmine shakes her head.

"So your having a hard time waking up?" Irene then asked making Jas nod to her question, Saero walked in to watch the boys for a moment and then saw Jasmine trying to wake up he then walked towards the boys to join them in training making the girls watch him as training then quickly ended, when Sam saw Jas... He was surprised she had come over making him sigh and carry her back to there room with a smile of love and care to get her to bed as she tries to wake up from the small spell he placed on her to sleep at that moment making her smile "Your too nice to me Sam" she mumbled making him then chuckle at her words while wondering on what James was going to do next?

Once she was fully awake a few minutes later, he decided that getting something to eat now would be a good thing making him help her stand so they could get going to eat something before they would get back to there room, he smiled at seeing the others there already waiting for them to arrive to eat as Diana walked in with Saero making Jasmine smile making her smile in return to her as they all got seated at the table to eat "It would seem that we have visitors coming closer to the castle" she said making them all but Saero freeze and turn to her... While Jasmine began to tremble in fear at the thought of it being the very people who harmed her to the brink of dying.

"How close are they?" Sam demanded as Twila tried to calm Jasmine nod, Saero turned to him for a moment "They aren't close enough for us to attack them now... But they are getting closer, we believe that they either came here for help to find you as they tracked you down here or, he knows your here and wants to fight" he explained as Jasmine began to whimper in fear... Sam heard her and was now worried for her as he hugged Jas close to him so she could calm down a bit from this "There must be a way to slow him down from arriving, were not all that far in our training" Erik explained making Diana nod in understanding "At the moment we have some of our men working on doing some damage to make them turn to another path to arrive here" Diana explained as Jasmine slowly calmed down.

It was then that Diana went over to Jasmine, she placed a loving hand on her shoulder and smiled "It will be alright dear. We are making sure that it takes them days maybe a week before they get here so the boys may train" she said making Jasmine nod in understanding as Sam whispered to her to try and eat for now before they get back to there room to rest "I think after some rest training would do us some good" Damien said making them nod as they all finished eating... With Sam taking Jas to bed to get some sleep for now.

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