Chapter 17

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It was the next day and Mishuru stayed at the tower immediately after school, not going over to practice today. Especially not after yesterday...


"What do you want?" Mishuru said as she narrowed her eyes.

"I'm pretty sure I told you before... Join us Mishuru. We will take over soccer. If you refuse, problems might happen." Ishido said as he smirked while walking over to her. "You don't want to be ALONE and WEAK. Don't you?"

Mishuru flinched lightly before Ishido chuckled and walked past her. "Think about it." Ishido said before walking off.

Flashback End

Mishuru growled and kicked the tire harshly that the rope broke and landed on the ground. Mishuru panted harshly as she glared at the tire before sighing and dropped onto the ground, eyes closed as the wind blew against her.

"So here you are." someone said.

Mishuru opened her eyes and looked up to see her father, Endou Mamoru. She sighed and nodded before looking down at her injured knuckles and shin that she used to train ever so harshly. Endou sighed as he placed his bag down and sat down in front of her. He took out some antiseptic and bandages and started to aid the wounds. Mishuru flinched at the sting of the alcohol that contacted her wounds.

"Your practicing hard. But you also have something on your mind... don't you?" Endou asked as he continued to aid her wounds.

"Yeah..." Mishuru said and sighed. "It was Ishido."

"So he did find you," Endou said calmly. "Don't worry about it. Let the adults handle it ok?" before he grinned at her and soon bandaged her knuckles and shin. "You have a match tomorrow. Don't injure yourself more. Let's go home, get some good food and some good rest."

"Good food? Hopefully, you're talking about some take out food and not mother's cooking." Mishuru said as she stood up.

"Don't worry, I ordered take out so you won't pass out till tomorrow," Endou said and grinned while he stood up. The two then went back to have their dinner and prepare for tomorrow's match.

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