Melody Keller. She comes back to Riverdale after traveling the world with her Aunt and Uncle. A lot has happened in Riverdale that she doesn't know about. Nothing is the same now in Riverdale. There's a new Girl, Jason Blossom is dead and now there...
I'm walking down the streets of Riverdale. It's so different from the last time I was here. The vibe seems so sad not like when the last time I was here which the vibe was all happy. Soon I'm in front of the Keller household. Haven't been here in about five years. I'm scared to see them again. Will they even want me back? I just take a deep breathe and walk up to the door slowly. I knock on door. It takes a few seconds but then the door opens. The door fully opens to show my dad, Tom Keller. "Dad?" I say smiling. "Wait Mel? Is it really you?" He asks and I just nod. He pulls me in for a tight hug. I hug him back. Kevin walks down the stairs. "Dad wha-" he starts to say before he sees me. "Mel?" He asks "Yep it's me big bro." I say nodding and smiling. He runs to me and hugs me. I hug him back. "Omg you look so different now." He says. "And you look the same." I say giggling a little. He pulls me inside and to his room. "We have so much to catch up on. Now on your trip was there anybody that ya know." Kevin asked wiggling his eyebrows. I laugh a little. "Well....." I start to say. "Ooooooo so there was someone." He says. And I nod. "His name was Justin Miller." I say looking down and sighing "What happened between you two?" Kevin asked. "We were in a relationship for about a year and a half but then I found out he knocked up some girl and got her pregnant." I said on the verge of crying. Then a tear rolled down my face. Kevin saw it and wiped it then pulled me in a hug. I start to sob. "Shhhhh Mel. If he did that to you he doesn't deserve you at all." He said rubbing my back. I sniffle a little. "Thanks Kev. I've missed this." I said wiping my tears. "Yeah. You are the most beautiful sister ever. You deserve the best guy in the world." Kevin said. "Awe Kev. Now enough of talking about my love life. What about yours?" I asked smirking. He just smiles. "Well we aren't together but I like someone." He said. "Ooooooooo what's his name?" I ask. "His name is Fangs." He said smiling "I wanna meet him. But I'm tired so I'm gonna go to bed." I said getting up. "Goodnight Mel." Kevin said and I waved him goodnight and went to my room. I walked into my room and it hasn't changed a bit. Everything was the same. I just smiled and changed into pajamas. I jumped in bed and fell asleep.
*Time Skip*
I wake up from my alarm and I press the snooze button. Then try to fall back asleep. I'm still really jet lagged. "Mel! Get up we have a visitor!" I hear my dad yell. I groan and get up. I walk downstairs groggily. I rub my eyes and look up to see Betty Cooper. "Mel!" Betty yells running to me. "Betty!" I yell running to her. We both hugged each other. We hug for about a couple more seconds and let go of each other. "Still rocking that ponytail I see." I say smiling. "Of course, now tomorrow you are starting school and omg Archie is gonna be so excited to see you." Betty began rambling. "Betty, Betty calm down. No need to ramble." I say putting my hands on her arms. "Omg we should totally go to pops so we can catch up." Betty suggested smiling. "Yes we should but I need to get dressed cause I just woke up." I say looking down at my pajamas on my body. "Totally. I will wait here. And Kev you can come if you want."" Betty tells Kevin. But rejects the offer. I head upstairs to my room and go through my clothes to see what I should wear. I decided to wear a white crop top with a white skirt. With so Of my earring and my rings. I also put on a watch I got. Then I put on YouTube socks and some white sneakers. For my makeup I just did a natural look.
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I walk downstairs to meet with Betty. She looks me up and down. "Wow your style has changed so much in the last five years." Betty says and I laugh a little. Then we leave the house to go to pops. We are laughing and talking about what I missed in Riverdale. We both are about to walk into Pops and i have been craving Pops milkshake and burger for so long. We walk in and Pops sees me. "Melody it's you." He says smiling. We hug for a second. "Pop I told you you can call me Mel." I say smiling. He nods. Betty and I look around to find a booth. Then I see him. Archibald Andrews. I could just tell it's him by his hair. He is with this gorgeous girl with raven black hair.