Chapter 5

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A few hours later school had finished and all the students went home. Luna and Theo were the last ones to leave as Theo wanted to take Luna somewhere after. 

"Luna, I want to take you somewhere that's special to me and I want it to be special to you too. It is one place I can go and be alone with my thoughts and now it's yours too." 

Luna had trust in Theo, more than trust. She felt as if she could tell him the world. She agreed to go with him and big smile grew on Theo face as he lifted her up onto his skateboard; with him on the back and her on the front. They didn't feel awkward, they felt comfortable in eachothers arms.

He skated to an abandoned pier, it wasn't old or broken down, it was beautiful and the sand was a creamy tanned colour and the sea was so clear, almost like a crystal blue it left an astonished look on Luna's face. She fell inlove with this place, Theo's special place that she could now call hers.

"So you like it then? It's your now, i just come here to think and clear my mind. Hardly any people come here so its always quiet." Theo looked at Luna with the most infatuated and passionate face like he just gave her his world and he's never done this to a girl before. he just felt like she was The One, the one he could say or tell anything too, trust her with whatever he wants to talk about and more importantly, she felt the same although he doesnt know.

"Oh, it's beautiful, more than beautiful its...i dont know how to descrbe it, its just breath taking. Thank you for showing me this place, it must be very special to you." Luna glanced back at him to see his face staring at her like he just lifted a massive weight of his shoulders. 

He grabbed her hand and his skateboard in another and walked her down to the end of the pier. They both sat and the very edge and took of their shoes to let their feet dangle from it. Luna was just mesmorised by the beauty of this place whereas Theo was just mesmorised by her. 

"The sea look so clear, I wonder what it looks like closer" Luna winked at Theo and stood up.

"What are you doing?"Theo said in a laughing way.

Luna smiled at him, took of her clothes leaving on her underwear (bra and pants) and jumped into the dazzling sea. Shocked and also amazed Theo had no clue of what to do. Luna's head popped out of the water like a graceful swan and called over to Theo, 

"Come on! Jump in! It's so nice and cool in here!" She twirled in the water making her look like she been in the water all her life. Theo stood up, still trying to figure out what just happened but in a matter of seconds he was already in the water!

Luna swan over to him as he risen from the sea,

"See, that wasnt so bad" she gave him a little splash of water as they both giggled.

Theo grabbed her from under the water pulling them closer together. Their faces an inch apart. Luna wrapped her arms aroung his neck and Theo wrapping one of his arms around her waist while the other was swishing in the water to keep them both floating. 

Breathing fast and racing hearts began as they were face to face, staring into each others eyes. Her's emerald green and his a pale blue. They inched more closer as their lips touched with a spark of passion and lust....more than lust. Theo nibbled on the bottom of her lip waiting for the acceptance as she let him in. Their tongues collided and swirled, their lips cushoning eachothers, their bodies pressed together, swaying in the clear sea. 

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