Chapter 12

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The days were long and exhausting but they still managed to reach Alaska.

The town was small and friendly, there weren't many people around but yet it still seemed surrounded. Small shops stretched further than you could see with people bobbing in and out of each one.

Luna turned to Theo and gave him a little smile, he returned the favour. The bruise that was once around her neck started to disappear and was hardly visible. Luna reached up to her neck and rubbed it as she views it from the mirror.

Theo had stopped in front of a mansion like house,

"This is my Auntie's house. After the death of her sister she took in Ross and that's when things got bad, but I tell you more of that later, let's just go surprise my parent's ey?"

Theo turned to Luna who was still gawking at the large house and giggled.

She turned to him,

"What are you laughing at? This house is MASSIVE, I mean look at it!"

"I've grown up around here Luna" He chuckled.

Luna glared at him and stepped out the car, collecting her things on the way. Theo walked round helped her exit the car and got their suitcases and bags from the boot.

They walked up to the 'large house' and Theo knocked on the door leaning back and placing a hand on Luna's lower back.

The door opened.

"Theo? Luna?"

"Hello father"

Luna looked at the well groomed man, who looked similar to Theo but an older version,

"Wait, how do you know my name?" she stood back.

Victor looked at her, took her hand,

"Gosh, the resemblance is amazing; you look just like your mother"

"You knew my mother?" A tear formed in her eye but she pushed it back.

"Yes she is...was...a good friend of mine and Theo's mothers."

"You have some explaining to do father" Theo pushed past him and into the foyer of the house placing the bag by the door as Luna followed Theo in and stood beside him.

"Let's go in the kitchen shall we kids?" Victor led them to a modern looking kitchen and sat down at the table across from Theo and Luna.

"Why are you two here anyways?"

Luna handed the letter than her mother wrote to her to Victor. He looked down with a confused face and then realised what it was. He opened it and started to read the letter.

"Well I guess that just answered my questions" he looks up from the letter and straight towards Luna.

"This letter can't be right can it?" Luna pleaded.

"I'm afraid it is my dear. You see, your mother was a wise and beautiful woman and I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your grandfather, but everything in this letter is true. You are a werewolf and I will train you...and Theo." Victor looked at his son. Theo was confused and found it hard to understand what was going on and Luna felt the same.

"Savannah, me and Marilyn; Theo's mother, we were all good friends, we were all a part of the pack until Luna's father came and turned everything around, he was a part of the Alpha Pack; The Top Dogs as you could say, they were more like a parliament and gave us; werewolves rules. But when he came he wasn't himself, he went crazy...he went...evil. And he killed your mother Luna...I'm sorry but no one could stop him until the parliament made a decision to kill him too, and that's when you went to live with your grandfather; he was also a part of the parliament, all alpha's are a part of this parliament, like me for example but that was only when your father died."

Luna's face dropped and her heart shattered, she had been lied to all these years and now it all came crashing down, she pinched herself thinking it was a dream but it wasn' was reality and she had to face it.

"I know it's a lot to deal with but you need to be strong, mentally and physically, and now you know the family secret we need to train you to become strong because there are a lot of bad people out there, and not all of them like the new threat."

"Threat? How am I a threat? Look at me, I couldn't hurt a fly." Luna whispered and held Theo's hand as they bother kept quiet trying to process everything.

"Luna you don't understand how precious you are, you're royalty, your whole family and bloodline is royalty and powerful, and I mean powerful as a strong fighting way, with the right training you could even be more powerful than me and Theo combined."

Luna looked up, "I'm what?"

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