Chapter 20

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Author's Note: and finally the story reaches its climax and end. I am happy and a little sad to be here. Although I know a lot of you are very, should I say, irritated with all that has happened in the story so far, I hope this gives you closure and happiness. I am still an armature but I am trying to improve every day so that my readers, which is you, can enjoy the story to the fullest.

Thank you for reading to the end. Honestly you are awesome for sticking around through all the crazies. Thanks for your votes and your appreciations, without those getting here would be tough. But Yay! We are here. So read and enjoy and don't forget to vote. Please read the End Note, there is a little information in there for you guys. Love you and thank you:)

Chapter 20

Pete was coming to see me. I didn't feel like seeing or talking to anyone. I haven't spoken to Kongpob in days and I was pretending to be okay. He called me while I was pretending to eat dinner, my apetite these days was nothing, and said he was coming over to tell me something.

I heard the door and got up from the stool I was sitting on to open it. Pete looked normal, a little rumpled around the edges, which was strange given that he was particularly meticulous about his appearance. His white hair had since started to turn black around the roots and his jacket was a little crinkled.

"Pete," I said knowing I sounded exasperated. I was sorry I kissed Pete and hurt him but I didn't want to think or talk about it, even with him. Make that especially with him.

"Hi, P'Arthit," he smiled.

I let him in so as not seem rude and we sat down to talk. After sometime I heard the door and tensed, then I went to open it.

Anya was there. The minute I had the door open she pointed a gun at me. My heart flinched as I let go of the handle of my door. "Don't speak, P'Arthit. Just do exactly as I tell you."

I nodded wordlessly. She told me to tell Pete I was going out to get something from the market and then when the door was closed, she wrapped an arm around my shoulder to draw me close then pulled away to point the gun hard into my side.

I swallowed and walked. It was lonely in my apartment building at that time which was just before nightfall. People were in their houses getting settled in from work. No one saw us leave.

"What are you doing Anya," I began to speak, the surreal nature of things finally wearing off. I don't know why I am surprised Anya was going this far.

"What I should have done a long time ago." She said and shoved the gun into me.

"You don't have to do this, Kongpob and I are over, you can have him. "

She scoffed. "I know what my brother told you. About how I induced my labor?"

"Did you?" I asked.

She glanced sideways at me as if to say what do you think.

I swallowed again.

"After hearing that, I bet you would run to tell Kongpob, convince him that I have something to hide."

"You do. You know that the baby isn't Kongpob's."

There was a dark building nearby that was empty. No one lived there anymore and it was run down and slanting to the side. Anya walked me in and I glanced around for anyone to call for help. Or something I could use to protect myself. Anya maybe a woman but she knew her way around a gun. I am sure of it and she probably has combat skills she learned when she was in the army. I would have to be desperate to try and struggle with her now.

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