chapter 19

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Author's Note: hello my favorite readers. : D so here is another chapter. Late as usual. Sorry about that. I try to keep to schedule except maybe towards the end of my story. There is usually a lot of internal monologues where I question 'is this good enough?' 'will my readers like it?' \

But here we are, all done. So the story didn't fit into twenty chapters but twenty one. For some of you, chapter twenty might work as an end, feel free not to read chapter twenty one, but if for you chapter twenty doesn't do it, read chapter twenty one in this case you can say there is two endings to this story. Please read and enjoy.

Thanks for voting and don't forget to vote if you like this ; ) ciao

Chapter 19

Going back to see Kongpob was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I tried a few times. I was there when my friends came to visit him and I returned before anyone could see me.

On one of those returns, I saw Pete waiting in front of my house. We haven't been able to really talk about... well anything real, but he was always around me. He was also around Kongpob when he was in a coma. I think he did that for me rather than any affection for Kongpob, but there was tenseness barely hidden between us and I pretended not to notice.

"Pete," I said with barely noticeable pause.

"P'Arthit," he turned around and smiled brightly at me. "Finally."

"What were you doing just now, waiting for me? Why didn't you just call me or go inside to wait. You have a key."

He smiled thinly for a moment then he nodded, "I just wanted to see you, I wasn't sure that I should go in."

Something was wrong with him. I could see it in his weak attempt to pretend otherwise. It is probably best to leave him alone until he is ready to talk about it, whatever it was.

"Okay," I said and walked towards the door to open it with my key. I gave Pete a key to my place during the time we were fake-dating and I haven't asked it back from him. I don't know why. Or rather I don't want to think about why.

P'Arthit," he touched my hand going for the door and I froze, my eyes went to his pale hand over mine. "Are you just coming back from meeting Kongpob?"

I nodded, "I couldn't go in though."

"So it's just like I thought. He told you about the pregnancy."

I didn't reply. After P'Dean told me, I told Pete. Mostly because at that time I thought I was going to explode if I didn't tell someone. He was the only one who reassured me that I should wait to hear from Kongpob as I was planning to do. But I knew he probably believed that it was true, unlike me who was burning away in denial. I stood my ground despite how much turmoil and distress I was in. His words, his help were the only things I could say for sure kept me going those months.

"P'Arthit," he exhaled and I shifted away from him and turned.

"Don't, okay. I haven't given up believing that the child isn't Kongpob's."

"Then whose is it?"

"I don't know, but we will know after the paternity test."

"He is doing a paternity test?"

I nodded and exhaled, "I'm trying my best to look at everything from an objective angle and not let my emotions carry me away."

"What happens when the results come out and he is the father, P'Arthit?"

My heart skipped and then kicked into a rhythm of panic and I shook my head. "he is not."

"He is." Pete shifted closer. "You can't see it but Kongpob does. He knows he slept with Anya and that the baby is his. If he agreed to a paternity test it is only to keep fooling you and keep you close to himself. You can't trust him."

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