chapter 13

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Author's Note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for voting on this story. Having such faithful readers really makes me happy. Sorry for the delayed post but it is here and it is another third pov chapter. Read and enjoy and please don't forget to vote, thanks : )

Chapter 13

I can't stop blushing. It's been nearly two weeks since Kongpob's dad was discharged from the hospital. Anya's dad was no longer on our neck and even though Anya herself was still living with the Suttiluck family, I was happy.

I guess not all happy. Kongpob's father while still doing very well seemed to have lost his ability to speak. The doctor's are hopeful that he would recover on his own otherwise they would have to do another surgery and they weren't hundred percent sure that he would live through it.

I was praying against another surgery and hoping for his full recovering. I don't know what I would do if I made him lose his ability to speak forever, or his life. It is my fault the accident happened, and a miracle that he lived, but if he doesn't fully recover I will forever be responsible and I won't ever forgive myself for it.

Kongpob comforts me, "don't worry about it. I'm sure dad doesn't blame you at all," he said to me one night while we were at my place.

"Yeah," I said reluctantly, "but I do. I need him to be okay again and walking around like before. I keep dreaming about that night."

"P'Arthit," his face was soft like it tend to be these days and I always feel like smiling when he looks at me like that, or calls me in that way that feels like it is going straight to my heart. "My father is going to be alright. You just stop worrying about him."

"Should I pay him a visit?" I have often wondered if I should brace for it and visit Mr. Sutiluck at the house. My fear of being rejected or denied entrance has kept me from doing so.

"No," Kong said looking alert and not very relaxed, "not yet P'Arthit. Let's give him some more space, my mother isn't going to be easy to convince either."

That's what I thought.

But other than that, I was happy. Kongpob visited me every day and I always gave in, despite my good judgment, to letting him spend the night when he wants. He was practically living with me.

Mornings with him can be so embarrassing, he was always gushing off poetically, I can't take it. Once, I had to use cello tape over his mouth to keep him from saying naughty things, but he managed to make my effort meaningless with just his hands.

I guess I should be worried about Anya, I mean why is she still living in the house. Kongpob should have called off the engagement by now. When I asked him he said, "P'Arthit, don't pay attention to anything you hear outside, Anya and I are never getting married."

"So you've ended the engagement?" I asked.

"For the mean time, you don't have to worry about that."

He distracted me so I didn't press the issue.

I was in my office getting ready to return home, Kongpob has called just a few minutes ago to tell me that he was on his way.

"Arthit." I raised my head and smiled at my friend P'Dean. No matter what Kongpob says, P'Dean is a friend and I won't push her away just because maybe she still has feelings for me.

I wasn't a fool. Though P'Dean has emphasized to me, after her argument with Kongpob at the hospital when she had left without even a word to me, that she felt nothing for me, she even wanted to end our friendship because Apparently, Kongpob accused her of playing me and of trying to use my moment of weakness to get into my heart— She was not happy for days but finally we are back on speaking terms, which I already told Kongpob to keep away any chances of misunderstanding, and everything was good between us again—still I could occasionally catch some expressions. I don't know if it is because of Kongpob putting it in my head, he is convinced P'Dean still has feelings for me, and now I am convinced too.

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