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"I think it's a great idea," Pepper assured me as she walked with me to my car. 

"The committee did too, I'm so excited to tell Gabe!" I sounded way too eager and Pepper noticed way too quick. 

"So you and Gabe are getting pretty close," She nudged me slightly, leaning against the side of my car and I did the same. 

"We're just friends, I really want to help his family out," I lied. Even I couldn't deny the butterflies that had started to appear whenever Gabe was around. I had tried to push the feelings as deep down as I could but nothing seemed to be working. 

"What are you two still doing here?" I heard the familiar voice of Gabe and my heart spiked causing my chest to tighten.

Pepper turned to face Kale and Gabe as they walked over towards us. Kale's eyes never left Pepper's body as they approached. 

"Practice," I blurted out and before I could do anything, Gabe reached out and pulled me into a tight hug. Both of his arms circled my waist and held me against him. I awkwardly hugged him back and quickly stepped away, leaning up against my car again. 

Pepper and Kale exchanged glances before giggling like a bunch of children. 

"I need to talk to you later," Kale attempted to whisper to Pepper but both Gabe and I heard him, "about the dance," 

Pepper's cheeks turned three shades darker as she bit her bottom lip nervously.  I couldn't help but roll my eyes, although I was excited for my best friend I still was sour about not being asked yet. Neither Gabe or Danny had asked anyone yet. 

Gabe chuckled and pulled his cigarettes out from his back pocket, flicking one out and pinching it between his lips. 

"I know you are not about to light that," I muttered, glaring at the guy I think I might have a major crush on. Smoking was definitely a turn off though. I can't imagine what my dad would do if I brought Gabe around smelling like cigarettes. 

Gabe glanced up at me, stopping mid flick with his lighter. A smirk grew on his lips and he took a step towards me. 

"Are you going to do something about it, Princess?" My mouth was suddenly dry and whatever smart ass remark I had planned in my head was long gone. My stomach flipped and the butterflies that I had grown used to were back. 

"Who are you asking to the dance, Gabrio?" Pepper asked, successfully interrupting whatever was happening between the two of us. Gabe stared at me for a moment longer before giving his full attention to Pepper. 

"Absolutely no one," His answer stung a little, but what did I expect him to say? I hadn't given him any clues about wanting to go to the dance together. Plus, what if Danny asks me first? 

"Yeah right," Kale rolled his eyes and scoffed, "you and Dez are probably gonna go together, like freshman year man," 

Kale began laughing but Gabe didn't, instead he only glared. A sour taste filled my mouth and instead of butterflies I felt like there was a rock in my stomach now.

"I am not takin' her that's for damn sure," He stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Anyway, I gotta get going to work, see you guys later," 

The three of us waited until Gabe had rode off on his bike before speaking. 

"What an idiot," Pepper complained, crossing her arms. "So, he's really not going to ask you?" 

I shrugged. "How am I supposed to know?" 

"Wait, you want Gabe to ask you to the dance?" Kale asked, finally realizing what Pepper and I had been talking about. 

"Welcome to the conversation," Pepper replied sarcastically, earning a sheepish grin from Kale, "This is your responsibility," 


"His?" I asked glancing Kale up and down in doubt. 

"You get your best friend to ask my best friend to the dance," Kale still looked confused. 

"What do I get out of this though?" He asked nervously. 

"You get to take me to the dance," She winked and Kale immediately began blushing. Pepper turned and began walking to her car. "Catch you losers tomorrow!" 

Kale and I both stood there awkwardly for a moment before he finally broke the silence. 

"Do you think she really likes me?" 

"Oh my goodness," I unlocked my car, making sure Kale saw me roll my eyes first. "you better ask my best friend to the dance," 

I pulled away and drove out of the parking lot before Kale could respond. The radio was playing nothing but cheesy romance songs, making me replay the incident that had just gone down in the school parking lot. Why did I wish Gabe had kissed me? I felt my cheeks begin to burn. I can't believe I'm thinking about kissing Gabe! I couldn't stand this guy just a couple weeks ago. 

"How was school, hun?" My dad asked as soon as I walked into the kitchen. 

"Fine," I replied coldly, grabbing a sprite from the fridge and hurrying back to my room. My dad had been trying to talk to me ever since I had found out about being adopted. I hadn't spoken to Malia or my mom about it either. They'd definitely tried though. 

As soon as I flopped down on my bed my phone buzzed on my nightstand. It was Gabe. 

I'm not taking Desiree to the dance. 

I stared at his text for a moment. How do you respond to that? My phone buzzed again, another text from Gabe. 

Are you going to the dance?

Not alone that's for sure.

Who do you want to go with?

I set my phone down and jumped from my bed, pacing back and forth across my room. Was he wanting me to say him? Was he wanting me to ask him to the dance or something?

Why couldn't he just ask? 

Are you asking me to the dance?

Do you want me to ask you to the dance?

I rolled my eyes and tossed my phone onto my bed. Running my fingers through my hair I let out a loud and dramatic sigh before flopping back down on my bed. I want him to ask me. I want to go to the dance with Gabe. 

No. What about Danny? I want to go to the dance with Danny. I bet he would make the night absolutely amazing, just like last year. But what about Gabe? 

My phone buzzed next to me and I saw that it was Gabe again. 

Not to get your hopes up Princess but I'm not a dance type a guy.

Maybe this was only one-sided. 

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