一 This is Ciani 一

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{ Cee-Ah-Knee }

Ciani Taleah Porter

"Myra, baby I woke you up like six minutes ago." I sighed going into her room seeing that she was fast asleep.

"Mommy I wanna sleep." She whined as I picked her up.

"Mymy its your first day of school so you can't miss it. Here's your breakfast." I sat her down in one of the kitchen chairs and handed her a plate.

This morning I fixed a breakfast sandwich that consisted of eggs, bacon, and Jelly.

"I want to go to sleep." She pushed the plate away from her just as the doorbell rang.

I stood on my tiptoes looking out the peephole and seen that it was Josiah, her dad.

"Mornin." He gave me a head nod and slipped off his shoes since that was my rule because my house was carpet.

"Hey, she's not eating since she wants to go back to sleep. Can you feed her while I go get ready for work please?" I asked locking the door behind him.

"Yeah, I got you. Ti fi ti bebe maten an." He made his way over to Myra and kissed her cheek speaking creole which is something he's been teaching her.

{ Translation : Morning baby girl }

"Maten." She said dryly and I shook my head going into the room then closed my door behind me.

{ Translation : Morning }

I'm a real estate agent so I wore a white button up shirt, a black blazer, black pencil skirt, and white heels. I decided to wear my hair up in a high ponytail since it was hot today and I honestly didn't want to be bothered with the heat at all.

"Mommy smell my breath." Myra barged in my room. "It smell like I just ate a whole lotta gum." She put emphasis on whole just to be dramatic. "And daddy got me dressed, I look cute don't I?"

"Yes you do."

"Aye, I can't find her backpack. It's not in her room." Josiah stood in the doorway.

"Oh, it's in my closet." I walked inside and grabbed her Sid the Science kid backpack then checked that she had everything before handing it to him.

"How you want your hair MyMy?"

"In a bun please." She sat on the carpet and I went to work on her head.

I was so grateful that she wasn't tender headed because Lord knows that I do not have the patience.

"Alright. You ready?" Josiah scooped her up and we all made our way outside the house.

"Come stand by this rock so I can take a picture of you."

"Yes! I love taking pictures." She exclaimed and got in front of the rock doing all different kinds of poses.

The duck face, peace sign, hands on hip, regular smile, and a silly face.

"Put that tongue back in yo mouth." Josiah pointed at her and I smacked his finger making him put it down.

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