I Was There At The Scene

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"Come on. Out of your depression." Ryan dragged me out of bed. "We're going swimming."
"That's lame."
"Come on."
"Who's we?"
"The band."
"I don't wanna."
"You're going. We're leaving in ten minutes." He walked out of my room.
I sighed and threw on a bikini. It exposed the tattoos on my stomach and thigh. Also the scar on my stomach, but I tried my best to ignore that. I put on a light dress over it and tied my hair up. "Okay?"
"Yeah, let's go."


The guys were already in the pool. 'The band' also consisted of Max Green. Okay. I slid off the dress and heard laughing. "Damn, Arizona! Since when do you have a tattoo?"
"Since I turned eighteen." I looked over at Ron.
"I didn't peg you for the type."
"Well, I have multiple." I sat on the edge of the pool.
Max swam over to me. He grabbed my wrists, and before I could protest, pulled me into the pool. "Hi, Arizona."
"Max!" I sputtered, pushing wet hair out of my face. "You fucker!"
"I'm not sorry."
Jacky came over and hugged me. His bare skin pressed against mine. "You're doing better."
"A tiny bit." I replied.
"You're pretty without makeup."
"So are you."
He laughed. "I know."
"Guys, I found the hot tub." Derek said, pointing to a small room.
"Oh, count me in." Ryan raced over.
"Same!" Ron followed, as did Max.
"You gonna?" Jacky asked me.
"Race me?" He swum over to the edge.
"You're on." I replied.
"Here to the end."
"Three... Two... One..."
We launched off. I wasn't the best at swimming, so Jacky won. I laughed as I sat on the side of the pool. "Guess you won."
"Guess I did." He pushed his hair back. "Hey, but guess what?"
He moved closer to me, in between my legs. It wasn't anything sexual, just he wanted to be close to me. He reached up and kissed me softly. I could taste the chlorine on his lips. "That." He said, sinking back into the water.
"Jacky..." I whispered.
"What, was it bad?"
"No, it wasn't, it's just..."
Jacky pulled me back into the water. "I really like you. I can't stand you being so upset. And I know he's your brother, but... I can't bear to see you like that."
"But... I'm the singer now... I...."
"It won't get in our way." He kissed my shoulder.
"We can't date. I'm not ready. Especially after Ronnie, and..."
"Yeah. That makes sense. I'm... I'm sorry." He looked down.
"I'm sorry, Jacky."
"No, it's not your fault."
"I guess."
"But whatever. Guess I'm gonna test my luck. Can you sing something for me, please? I haven't heard you sing one of our songs. Least not without Ronnie singing too."
"It'll be okay, you'll do good."
I exhaled. "I was lost, I was found, I'm sustained by the sound of the angels singing me to sleep while my feet are leaving the ground. Am I dead or am I dreaming instead? A cornucopia of opioids are flooding my head."
"I gotta work on my screaming." I said quietly. "I'll never live up to him, anyways."
Jacky grabbed my hands. "No, you won't. No one will. Because they're not Ronnie. No one is Ronnie. No one can be him, including you."
"Yeah, but-"
"But nothing. You're Arizona. your singing is different."
"Okay." I agreed reluctantly.
"Come on, let's hang at the hot tub."

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