And Nothing's As It Seems

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I sat down on the dirt in between the graves. "Hi, you guys. It's... A day in November, and I'm cold. It's 2017. Um, Chemical Prisoner and Brother are still getting listens. It's weird, you know? But that's... Just Like You isn't the main reason. Uh, I released... We released. We released another album. It's called Coming Home. Like the song you wrote, Ronnie. That's the featuring song. And I found your verses of the song called I Don't Mind. I like that one. It's... Well, it's really true." I exhaled and saw my breath in the cold air. "The kids are wonderful, Anthony. I've been making sure of that. Helping Amanda and stuff. Of course Andy and I always offer to watch them. More me then Andy, but hey. He's helping. He's a wonderful husband."
I paused. "I've been clean. For about a year. It's a year tomorrow, actually. Me and Max are gonna go out to eat somewhere. He's been clean for about four and a half years. We've been doing okay." I looked at my tattooed arms. My left sleeve was all for Ronnie and my right was for Anthony. It just felt like the right way to honor them. I got a motorcycle and some other stuff for Anthony. For Ronnie, I got a microphone, a jail cell, and the girl on the cover of The Drug In Me Is You. He would've hated that, but loved it at the same time. "I've been doing okay. I've been clean. You can see track marks under my tattoos, but hey. Can't have everything."
"I know you would've been proud of me. I know it. I've been performing and shit, and we'll do meet and greets, and... And I'll meet these kids that say I saved their life, and I tear up. There was this one girl who said that Ronnie, you saved her life, and I saved it again... And I just started sobbing, hugging her. I have her phone number, check in on her once a week. Feels like something you would've done."
"The... I'm off most of the medications. They still have me on anti-depressants, which is okay, I guess. Dad is better. He's happier. But can I tell you guys a secret?" I lowered my voice and looked over at Andy, who was turned away from me to give me privacy. "I'm pregnant. You guys are uncles. I'm gonna tell Andy in a little bit. The kid will grow up knowing you guys, of course. But... I've never been happier in my life."
I smiled. "I love you guys so much, more then you could ever imagine. Just... Just remember... You guys were my alibis."
Andy walked over. "You done?"
"Yeah." We slowly walked away. "Andy, could I tell you something?"
"Sweetheart, of course you can."
"So you know tomorrow is my one year clean."
"Yeah, I do." He grinned. "I'm so proud of you."
"And I was gonna tell you this then, make the day happier, but it feels right to tell you it now."
"What is it?"
"I'm pregnant."
Andy laughed and smiled wider. "Oh my God, I'm gonna be a dad."
"Yeah. You are."
He wrapped me in a hug. "I love you so much, sweetheart. Do you know if it's a girl or boy?"
"It's too early."
"If it's a boy, I wanna name him Joseph."
I looked up at him. "Really?"
"Yeah. I want him named after Ronnie."
A tear dropped from my lashes. "This... This means a lot."
"Joseph Maxwell Biersack."
"If it's a girl?" I smiled.
"Ashley Juliet Biersack."
"Ashley like..."
"Ashley like the Escape The Fate song, not my dumbass band member. And Juliet after 'finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.' She's gonna be an Escape The Fate baby."
I grinned one more time. "Actually, it's twins. I wanted to gauge your reaction."
"So... One boy and one girl?"
"I hope so."
Andy kissed me. "I love you so fucking much. Come on, let's go get McDonalds."

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