No, I Won't Need These Gloves

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Andy: hey can we talk?
Me: uh sure?
Andy: it's nothing bad I swear
Andy: my house ten minutes, the band is preoccupied, they for sure won't be there
Me: how do you guarantee that?
Andy: they may or may not be running through the mall playing tag
Andy: so... if I get a call to the hospital we can ignore it
Me: haha, okay, I'll be there in ten
Andy: good


"We have at least two hours. Mall Tag is very entertaining for them." Andy said as I walked into his house.
"So what do you wanna talk about?" I asked, sitting next to him on the couch.
"Eh, not much, I just wanted to hang out with you alone. Without Jinxx."
"Or Ashley." I said, remembering the time he 'accidentally' dropped a condom into Andy's lap. That wouldn'tve been that bad, except for the fact it was strawberry flavored...
"Oh, God, don't mention it."
"I'm not gonna."
He leaned over and gave me a kiss. "You know, I kinda wanna define what we are."
"Are we friends with benefits?"
"We haven't had sex."
"So... No?"
"Okay, will you be my girlfriend then?"
"CC didn't think I had the balls to do this."
"Well, I'm pretty sure you have balls." I said, sitting in his lap. "Otherwise I don't think I'd be feeling your boner right now."
"Arizona..." He whines. "Not fair."
"Uh huh."
"Let's talk about something else." He pushed me off.
I laughed. "Okay."
"How's the album going?"
I smiled shyly. "Wanna hear a song?"
"Of course!" Andy practically leaped out of his seat.
I took out my phone and played my copy of the new song, called Fashionably Late. The last one Ronnie wrote. He listened to it, head bopping intently, and I caught him singing the chorus at the end. "What do you think?"
"It's amazing. When're you releasing the album?"
"That's one of the singles, and it's coming out tomorrow."
Andy caught me and swung me around in a hug. "That's fucking amazing! I'm so proud of you. Can I hear the other songs?"
"Nope. Gotta wait."
"Okay. Can I at least hear the track list?"
"Sure." I slid him a piece of paper which included the list of songs.

1. Champion
2. Bad Girls Club
3. Rolling Stone
4. Fashionably Late
5. Alone
6. Born To Lead
7. It's Over When It's Over
8. Game Over
9. Self-Destruct Personality
10. Fuck The Rest
11. Keep Holding On
12. Drifter
13. Goddamn
14. Rolling Stone (Shy Kidx Remix)

"I'm intrigued by Alone and Drifter."
"Alone is a rap song Ronnie had pretty much completed himself. It's awesome. Drifter... Well, he wrote part of it. I finished it. It's about us. Not being able to fit in, stay anywhere, cause of what our mom did..."
"She left when you were born, right? He was nine."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm over it." I shrugged. "She's dead to me."
Andy reached over and kissed me. Slowly, he pushed me down onto the couch, him laying on top of me. "Arizona..."
He slid his hands up my shirt. "They're gonna be gone for two hours."
"Then let's do it."

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