Chapter 8

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Aiden's P.O.V

"What the fuck are you doing Melissa? Coming into class like that !?" I said yelling

"I heard about that girl how you brought her to school. How you skipped lunch with her for a date. How could you !?" She said

"'Melissa we are not together, we never were together and we will never be together. I don't like you like that. I never will like you like that." I said

"Remember our times together how can you forget !?" She said

"I took you home so you wouldn't walk in the rain, and brought you to Panera Bread that's it !" I said

"You love me Aiden don't deny it" she said

Then she walked away. Knowing that we aren't done here.

"Melissa stop I don't love you! You need to stop this" I said while walking behind her.

We some how ended up in the gym. She sat on one of the bleachers and I sat next to her.

"I thought this would be a little more provide for our make up sex after this I know how much you love it after we fight" she said

"Stop Melissa we have never done anything just kiss once and that meant nothing" I said

Callie's P.O.V

"So who is that?" I asked once Arianna came back me.

"That's Melissa stupid popular bitch. She doesn't get it that Aiden doesn't want her ass. I swear if he just lets me punch her once maybe she I could knock some sense into that bitch." She said

Melissa had dirty blonde hair taller then me, definitely skinnier than me, but then again I always had big hips.

The bell rang and I went out to look for Aiden but he wasn't there and Arianna left so I went to the parking lot and he wasn't there either. Finally Arianna came back and told me Aiden was no where to be found. She kinda gave me this sorry look but I didn't care. I don't like him like that so why should that bother me.

"Hey Cammy!!" Arianna said hugging him it was cute they were cute together

"Hey Arianna hey Callie so where is Aiden?" He asked

"He got sucked up by the bitch and I can't find him and he has to take Callie home" she said

"No it's okay don't worry I will walk" I said

"Her again she is fuck up in her mind. I told him not to her home, but he didn't listen. I can take you home Callie where do you live?" He asked

"I live by Aiden and thanks" I said to him

"Bye Arianna" I said then hugged her she left with Luke.

I got into the car with Cam his truck was huge. I have no idea what it was.

"How are you liking school so far?" He said

"It's not bad. I got to meet all of you today." I said

"Don't worry about Melissa she has a thing for him but he doesn't care. He is pretty interested in you Callie." He said

"I don't think so. He left me there to talk to Melissa she seems pretty important" I said

"Callie no trust me she isn't" he said

The rest of the car ride was silent.

"Right here " I said

"Nice house Callie" he said

"Thanks. Want to come in?" I asked

"Sure." He said

We walked into my house..

Aiden's P.O.V

Melissa tried to kiss me but I just got up and left before the bell would ring. I looked at my watch and it was already 2:20 pm school ended at 2:00 pm I ran to the parking lot but everyone was gone except Luke and Arianna.

"Where is Callie ?!" I said half panicked

"Cammy took her home since I couldn't find you. They left about 5 minute ago." Arianna said

"Okay thanks bye Arianna bye Luke" I said then ran to my car to head to Callie's house.

Once I got there I saw Cam's car I started getting angry he always does this, tries to be the hero.

The door was open and the house looked horrible.

"Callie " I called

She ran to me and hugged me Cam following her.

"What happened ?" I asked still hugging her

"I just came in and the house was a mess someone broke in. The glass on the sliding door is broken everything is a mess." She said

"I have to go bye Callie bye Aiden" Cam said he knew better so he left.

"Callie is your mom home? Get your stuff an come to my house we will call the cops they will check things out" I said

"I called her she isn't home. I told her I was fine she said she doesn't want to be here right now so I told her to take a vacation. She is leaving tonight to Greece for a week." She said I could tell it hurt her that her mom would be gone especially during this time

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