-Death of a Fox-

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So, this chapter is a flashback to before he died.  Prepare for tears.
(Before Death.)
~~Tails' POV ~~
"C'mon bud, get the X- Tornado, Egghead is up to one of his schemes again!" Sonic called from outside.
"In a jiffy!" I said, using my twin tails to propel myself through the doorway and out the house, landing infront of my biplane. "Sonic, can we try out my newest one?" I asked, motioning to my blue plane, called simply the Tornado. My big brother shrugged. "Sure. I don't see any harm in that." He then whipped around to summon the others outside. "Guys! We have a mission!" After that, all I could see was a multicolored crowd just rush outside, consisting of Amy, Knuckles, Rouge, Shadow, Silver, and Blaze, while Omega remained inside the house, probably because Shadow told him to.
I pulled the sheet off my plane, hopping inside it. "Woah, Tails. There's literally no room for us to get in your plane." Sonic said, circling my invention. I smirked, hovering my finger over a green button in the controls. "Tornado Transformation!" I pressed the button and the Tornado started to shift into a car kinda shape.
The gang, except Shadow, gasped as they saw my plane shift into a vehicle. Shadow just scoffed, and Rouge gave him a look. "Hop on, guys." I waved my hand, and Knuckles, Amy, Blaze, and Rouge hopped on the back, while Shadow, Silver, and Sonic said they'd rather do it their own way. I started the engine and zoomed off towards the smoking building called Eggman's lair, with Sonic running beside me, and Silver and Shadow right on my other side. Suddenly, Amy yelled. "Watch out!" I looked up to see a yellow energy beam coming straight to me. I reacted by turning on the Tornado's walker mode, and sliding out of the way of the attack. (Walker mode is basically the mode he used in SA2)
"Ohohoho! I missed!" a voice from above said. "Egghead!" Sonic said, pointing above us.
A huge egg-shaped chameleon robot with a moustache, appeared infront of us, with Eggman right on the top of the head. "You seem to be running out of ideas for your creations, what's next? A robot shaped like a toaster?" Shadow stood next to me with his arms crossed. Eggman fumed and yelled. "Robots attack!!" A crowd of insect robots were sent at us, causing me to run over to the sidelines. Eggman's robot looked like it was protected by a plasma shield, so if I can rewrite the code, I can shut the robot down! I pulled out my laptop and began to work, and finished in no time. "All I need to do is press-" I was cut off by Eggman lifting up my Tornado into the air. "Trying to interfere, fox boy?" He chuckled. "Look at this beautiful scene-" He motioned towards my friends fighting. "-World domination at its finest. Yet, your friends still get in my way, do you know how that feels, fox boy? Just to have your plans ruined by a blue rodent, sounds nice to the people who care about this useless planet. Maybe, if I hurt one of his friends, he'll stop caring, that leaves you, fox boy." Eggman turned to me, and gave me a creepy smile that sent shivers up my fur. "Enjoy your pain, it won't last long." He shot a plasma beam at me, which hit me right in the chest. I gritted my teeth in pain which caused Eggman to throw me, and I closed my eyes as I flew through the air and I soon impacted the ground, leaving a cloud a dust and a crater. I smiled as the world started to grow black, and the last thing I heard was a familiar voice yelling "TAILS!!" before I blacked out.
-Sonic's POV-
I whipped my head around as I heard a loud boom come from behind me, and I saw a flash of yellow fly through the air, and impact the ground. I knew from the start that it was my little bro. "Tails!!!" I yelled and sped to the crater, looking inside and seeing my little brother with scratches and a wound on his stomach that was glowing blue. He was also not responding at all. "Silver!" I called for the ivory hedgehog who appeared right beside me. "T-Tails n-needs h-help, h-he needs a-a ho-hospital." I choked out, trying to hold back my tears. Silver gasped and used his powers to get Tails free from his Tornado. The ivory hedgehog gently put my little brother on his back and disappeared. I clenched my fists in pure anger. How could Eggman do this to my little brother? I felt the air around me get thinner and grass began to turn black. My eyes became pupiless, and my fur became a darker hue. Dead grass started to float around me and followed my every movement. I spoke and my voice had a deeper tone to it. "Guys, get out of here, I'll handle Eggman." They nodded and Shadow pulled out his emerald, warping everybody back to the house. I turned to Eggman and growled at him. "What did you do to my brother?!" He just laughed in my face, how disgusting. "He was pathetic, no use to be in this world, so I figured if I hurt him, I could defeat you when you were at your weakest. Eggman slammed a fist on his controls. Then, I could rule the world, as my empire!" Eggman exclaimed.
I was seething in fury at this man, did he realize how much this hurts me?! While Eggman was laughing his moustache off, I flew near his head, thinking of a quick thing to do. I swiped my fist to the side of his head, knocking him out and leaving him unconscious. I decided not to kill him, since a hero knows when it is necessary to kill. It wasn necessary since Tails was still alive, I hope..
I landed on the ground and the atmosphere went to normal, except from Eggman's limp body hanging from his robot. I should go home with the gang, I don't wanna see this anymore. I stretched my legs and sped to the house. I just hope Tails is ok. I wiped a tear falling from my eyes as I ran.
Little bro, keep fighting for me.
°Silver's POV°
I flew through the air with the limp body of Tails in my arms. Poor guy, he went through a lot. Tails whimpered in pain, and I rubbed his head, and that quieted him. "Don't worry Tails, we'll be there soon.." I saw the hospital nearing us so I started to land. I ran through the automatic doors and screamed. "This poor fox needs help! He's been hit in the stomach!" A female white furred panther in a crisp, white lab coat rushed out and put Tails on a stretcher. "Don't worry, sir! We'll fix him up! Follow me!" She rushed through the hallway and I followed close behind her. She led me to a room and told me to wait in here during Tails' surgery. I was bored and there was nothing to do besides the coloring books on the table. I grabbed a coloring book and started to color a picture of a hibiscus, Blaze's favorite flower.
-After surgery-
The nurse came back, and she seemed a bit off. She was jittery and looking at the floor. "Sir, I have something to tell you..." I looked up from the flower. "Yeah?"
She inhaled. "Your friend, he- uh....  didn't make it... I'm sorry.." She looked down to the floor. I started to tear up. "W-What? Tails didn't make it?" My voice cracked, and the nurse shook her head. "No, I-I'm sorry, sir..." I fell to my knees and started to cry. Tails didn't make it? No- this has to be not true... It has to be not true... It can't be..
θ Rouge's POV θ
We arrived back home and saw Omega sitting on the couch with his eyes closed. He opened his eyes when he heard us come in. "Welcome back, friends." He said, waving his hand at us. Suddenly the TV switched to the news and I snapped my head to look.
"We interrupt this broadcast with very sad news.. Local hero, Miles Tails Prowler has left us this morning... His known cause of death was from a plasma beam wound to the chest." A broad faced male tiger spoke, while his female cheetah partner beside him was on the verge of tears. "He will be missed by all.." She spoke, then broke out into tears.
"What?!" I yelled, tears falling down my face. "Tails can't be dead!"
Suddenly, Silver appeared with tears falling down his face. "Tails is dead!" He sobbed, and then fell to his knees.
"It's true. Fox- boy is gone.." Shadow said, trying to comfort me.
Silver calmed down a little. "It's my fault.." He said, hugging his knees. "I wasn't fast enough..."
"Guys. Don't blame yourselves.. It was just his time to go. He's in a better place. If he happy, then we should be happy.." Knuckles said, and everyone went silent.
"Wise words.." Shadow closed his eyes, hearing me suck in a breath.
Sonic rushed in through the door, breaking it in the process. "Is Tails here?"
Knuckles shook his head. "Tails is in a better place, Sonic."
Sonic grabbed his face and fell to the floor. "How could let someone hurt my little bro, I could've saved him!" He said, pulling on his quills. Knuckles put a hand on Sonic's shoulder to calm him down. I spoke up, standing up straight and calm. "Tails deserves a honorable funeral. He died a hero, and shall be remembered a hero."
Everyone nodded and helped me plan out the funeral. This day has got to be the worst one ever..

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