Isabella: 3 days out

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November 15, 2015 Isabella.

The day I was released from the hospital was two days before my mothers funeral. To understand the full story of how my life and my town got to where it is, you have to first go back to these three days.
Day 1:
It had been a week to the day since Merci made her first visit, it wasn't her last. In fact in was the first of three. On the first she told me everything, or at least claimed to. I had a feeling that she was still hiding something. The second she brought a girl. A red head to help protect my sister and her friend. The third visit occurred on my last day in the hospital.

I was packing up my room, little nick-nacs my sister brought, some photos and a change of clothes, placing them in a plastic bag.
"You're out already?"
I turned around to see Merci leaning against the door frame.
"I guess they are sick of me already."
"You blame them?"
"What are you doing here?"
"What I can't visit my friend?" She said as she held one of my photos.
"I wasn't aware we were friends." I said as I grabbed the photo back. It was of Amber, my mom and I at her birthday.
"I save your life and this is the thanks I get?"
"I know you wouldn't come just to see me off so Why are you here?"
"I need you help."
"Can't get it from the ginger?"
"She wouldn't make a good fit for what I need."
"What makes you think I would help?"
"Revenge? Justice? Keeping the world safe from the scum that killed your mom. Take your pick." She said as she sat next to me on the bed.
"Not interested."
She sounded shocked.
"I couldn't care less about revenge or justice. What has the world ever done for me? Why should I make it a better place?"
With that I left Merci, I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked out to the hall.

On my way out I saw a man is the room next door. He was in a full body cast. I guess I was one of the lucky ones. Well, luckier.
When I made it outside I saw my dad, Amber and her friend Clair standing by the car. Before I could say a word Amber had me trapped in a bear hug. Guess she missed me. I couldn't help but smile.
"I've missed you to" I said messing up her hair.
I could see how puffy her eyes were from crying. I gave my dad a quick hug and off we went, home. If it can even be called that without mom. We sat in silences most of the way home despite Amber's best efforts.

The evening was filled with awkward small talk and distraction. It seemed we had an unspoken agreement that if we didn't say her name it would hurt less. We made casserole for dinner or more accurately we ate casserole that one of our neighbours brought over. We managed to hold it together most of the day.

I was laying in bed thinking about Merci's offer. Was I wrong to pass it up? Then I heard sobs.
If my mom were here, my mom the most loving and caring person ever. She would sit with Amber, giving her the warmest hug, staying by her side  until she fell asleep. Guess it's my job now.

Day 2
I awoke on the couch. This confused me because I could have sworn I had gone to my room. The news was on. I reached for the remote to turn it off but my fingers went to the volume instead, turning it up. My eyes were glued to the screen, I couldn't look away. There was a list of names. I recognize a few of them from school. On of them was the girl who had won before me. Then I saw my mom's name. That's when I realized what the list was of. Tears began to run down my face. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was in my room. "Was that a dream?" I wondered to myself.

I walked down stairs. Amber was still in her pjs, playing with her pancakes. From where I was standing I could only see Amber. As I rounded the corner I saw Clair in the kitchen with an apron around her waist and spatula in her hands.
"Hey Clair." I said as I took my seat beside Amber.
"Breakfast?" She asked holding up a tray of pancakes.
"Sure." In truth, I hate pancakes but Clair was so nice to make them I didn't want to be rude.
Clair placed two heart shaped pancakes on a plate and handed it to me.
"Merci beaucoup Madam" I said as I grabbed the plate.
"Anything to drink mam." She said in a posh tone.
"Some h2o in a glass please." I said in the same tone.
"Coming right up."
She took a wine glass out of the cupboard and filled it up at the tap.
"There you go,"
Amber walked in rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"Pancakes! My favourite."

We joked around for a bit, Clair pretending to be a waitress, Amber and I being stuck up costumers.

Then my dad walked in.
"What's so funny?" His slurred speak and stumbles made it clear he had been drinking.
"Amber, how about you and Clair go hang out in your room for a bit."
Clair gave me a knowing look and then walked with Amber up the stairs.

I watched them walk up the stairs. Once I was sure the door was shut I turned to my dad.
I put on the kettle.
"I don't care if you want to drink yourself into an early grave, but mom did. You think she would want to see you like this? Its 10 in the morning for crying out loud. Amber needs you." I need you. "So smarten the F up." I screamed on the brink of tears.

"It was just..."
"Just what? I don't have time for your excuses." I said interrupting. I took a breathe.
"Call your sponsor or leave." I said coldly.

"Okay, let me just sober up for a bit then I'll call him." He said as he began walking towards the living room.
"In your room. I don't want Amber to see you like this."
After I put my dad to bed I knocked on Amber's door.
"Come in" Clair answered.
I opened the door to see Amber crying in Clair's arms. I ran over and hugged her.
"I'm sorry." Amber said.
"What on earth for?" I asked.
"For crying. For wasting your time."
"You listen here Amber. There is three things in this world that you should never be sorry for, one: being yourself. Two: crying and showing your feelings and three: eating the last cookie."
She laughed.
"We are always here for you." Clair added. I have always been grateful for all that Clair does for Amber.
"I miss her so much."
"Me too, Amber, me too."
We cried, had a few laughs and ate way to many pancakes that day. It really brought the three of us closer and was the beginning of mine and Clair's friendship.

Day 3:
I had the same dream again. The news, the names and the crying. The day of the funeral. I awoke to in my own bed. My dress was hanging on the closet door. A simple black lace dress that my mom bought me. I got dressed. I made my way down the hall to Amber's room. Gave a light knock. When she didn't answer I opened the door and saw Amber peacefully asleep. I set out her options, a black dress or dress pants with a blouse on her dresser. I decided she could rest a little longer. I walked over to my dad's room.
"I'm coming in, please don't be naked."
He was asleep still. I placed out his suit and gave him a shake trying to wake him up.
"Get up!"
I left him alone. I walked down stairs into the kitchen. Clair was in the kitchen making breakfast. Pancakes were really starting to grow on me.
"Morning Clair. Do you have clothes here or are we stopping at your place?"
"I have everything here but my purse, is it okay if we stop by?"
"Yeah we can stop by. Are we picking up your brother?"
"If we have enough seats."
"Our van fits six so we're good."
"Great now try these blueberry pancakes."
"Blueberry? How fancy."
After about an hour Amber came down stairs shortly fallowed by my dad.
"Hey Amber, how was your sleep?" Clair asked making a plate for her."
We ate and finished getting ready. Before long we were hoping into the van.

The funeral was held at an old church, my mom used to come here before her parents died. Before long the church was packed. People coming up to me, "sorry for your loss." as if those words make it any better. Most of the funeral was a blur. People coming, people going. Something caught my eye. The was this man. He looked so familiar yet I couldn't place his face. He walked into the back room which surprised me because it's only for family, he was not family.
By the time I made it past all the guest and into the back but all I saw was Clair and Amber sitting on the couch. I didn't even know they were back here.
"Hey Amber, Clair. How you holding up?" I asked as I scanned the room for the familiar man.
"As well as possible, I guess." Amber said.
"Clair how about you take Amber to get some food next door. My treat." I said as I handed them some cash.
"See you later. Love you." Amber said as her and Clair left.

Once they were gone I continued my search.
"Where could he had gone?"
I stepped out the back door only to find the redhead standing over the man who was laying on the ground.
"What the hell?!"
"I told you she was the best." A voice spoke from behind me.
I turned, only to see Merci.
"What the hell happened?"
"I told you they would come after you and your family." Merci said in a matter of fact tone.
"Who is he?" I asked after a moment of silence.
"He's a rogue from the order."
"What does he want with our family?"
"I don't know for sure."
I bent down beside the man to get a closer look. "Where have I seen him before?" I asked puzzled.
"Shy, take him in. I'll check in later."
With that the redhead left, carrying the man. She was stronger than she looked.
I turned back to Merci.
"They won't stop will they?"
She shook her head.
"I'll help you. Whatever it takes. As long as nothing happens to Amber or Clair."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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