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2 years later, September 6, 2017 Clair

  What drives me. If you were to ask me a few years ago I wouldn't have anything to say. Do you want to hear the story of how I found my drive? Its not a short story but it all started on September 6, 2017, Amber's first day of high school.

  It was a Monday. The summer air was slipping away as the autumn air set in. The leafs were just starting to turn beautiful shads of red and orange. The trees lined the road creating a wonderful autumn scene.

  I woke up that morning at the crack of dawn by a phone call from Amber. She was so nervous. We talked for what seemed like hours but I was too tired to remember anything. I got ready for school, falling back into old routines. Its funny how you don't think of the simple things.

  As I walked down the same road I have since jk, I wondered how great Amber's first day would go. I wondered if she'd have a time she would never forget. That is for sure.

  I met up with the girls at their house. Amber had a smile so big I haven't seen before that day and I haven't seen it since. Isabella was different. Isabella's face screamed worry. It wouldn't have been strange for an older sister to worry on her sister's first day but Isabella wasn't very protective of Amber.

"I can't believe I am in grade 9!" Amber said
"You nervous?" I asked
"Can you tell?"
"You'll be fine." Isabella cut in.
"Yeah, even cool Isabella was scared," I added
"Who told you?"
  Luke was my older bother, he was in grade 12 when Isabella started. We kept talking like this. Isabella was wearing ripped jeans, and an old T-shirt. Her long black hair up in a braid to keep out of her green eyes. Amber was beside her balancing on the curb. She was wearing a black skirt and a black crop top. Her brown hair flowing in the autumn air, blowing into to her pretty green eyes. I was wearing a nice new pair of leggings and a new lace top.

  Our conversation quickly died out. Isabella changed the subject as fast as she could. Soon the school was in view. It was a very old school, the paint was chipping and the glass in the kitchen was cracking. The third gym was fixed up but not very well. The wall and roof were repaired but the marks we're still there. The public school beside it was worse. The windows were boarded up. Amber was in the last class to graduate, I was in the second last. We were told it would shut down in five years, two years ago. After what happened in the high school two years ago parents started pulling out their kids left, right and center. It's a shame because it really was a nice school.

  The warning bell rang and all of us ran to make it to class. Amber ran up the stairs to french, I ran down to gym and Isabella walked to math. I walked into the gym doors, my class was in the first gym, closest to the main office. By the time I got there class had already stared. On the white board it read "five laps". I started running, searching the class for my best friend Rebecca. I soon saw her and ran to catch up. She was one of those people who had a very dry' dark kind of humor. I met her at a camp over the summer. When I found out she was starting at my school I was so excited. I wasn't very social at that time so I only ha a few close friends. I thought Rebecca and Isabella would become fast friends, they both had the same kind of humor. If only I knew how much I was right.

  I caught up with Rebecca, She was wearing a t-shirt and shorts with her long beautiful blue hair covered by her hat.
"You look a little dressed up for gym."
It was at that point when I realized I hadn't changed.
"Anything is dressed up to you." I answered after a moment.

  We hung out most of the day, (we had first, second and third together, at my school we had first, second, third then lunch and then forth). By the time the bell rang after third for lunch I was happy to see Isabella and find out how Amber's first day was going.

  I walked into the cafeteria and scanned the crowd for the girls. I saw Isabella sitting alone in our usual table. The cafe was small, the white wall, today a grey colour, but back then it had just been repainted. I used to see the school in a beautiful, almost magical way. I sat beside Isabella and started talking.

"How was math, did you make it in time?"
"I got there a second before the bell went off."
She seemed worried, but I didn't ask. I assumed it was because when Isabella was a grade nine her mom, you know. I thought it could be just her PTSD again.
"That good. "
"Yeah cause missing math class would have been so bad."
"Hahaha you say that now but when you fail math and have to do it again next year."
"What class did you have after gym?"
There went Isabella's famous skills, she could change the subject so fast.
"French." I answered.
"Why'd you pick French, you don't have to after grade nine?"
"My mom made me. It really sucks." I wished I didn't say that.
She was silent. I thought she might kill me. She played with her food, a salad and then spoke.
"Where's Amber?"
Don't know."
Then as if on cue she walked in. I pointed and then spoke.
"There she is."
"Who's that with her?"
"Can't see. There is a fat guy in front."
Amber sat down and introduced us to her friend, Rebecca!
"Hey you guys know Rebecca right?"
I don't remember how the conversation went, I only remember Isabella's face. Her worry face turned to fear. Her face turned as white as snow. She got up, said she'd be back and said an off hand love you to Amber then walked off.

The next day missing person posters with Isabella's face on them would be posted all over the town and Rebecca never came back to school. Truly a day I will never forget.

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