Part Four

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It happened so fast that I barely even knew what was going on. A bunch of guards broke down my door and dragged me from my chair, where I was still writing Felix's speech. I was too tired to fight back so I just asked them what was going on and this must be a mistake. They obviously didn't reply and dragged me out of my house. I was taken to the city hall, everyone was there, waiting. The city's people were yelling, all at me, some of them throwing tomatoes or other stuff. I look up to see the bastard himself. Felix standing by his throne, and beside him, Miss Jane. No it couldn't be, she couldn't have ratted me out. She gave me a heartbroken look, even getting teary eyed. I rolled my eyes and looked away from her, growling softly.

I was thrown onto the floor in front of Felix's feet, I knew what was coming, yet I still looked up into his eyes. But all I could think about is the betrayel from Miss Jane.
"Sean William McLoughlin, my men have been watching you for a while and they have seen many acts of treason." the bastard actually looked hurt. Oh spare me the fake frown and sad eyes, I know you've been waiting to throw me out since the day we met. Perhaps I should've been more careful. It's all because of that man from the dead lands.

"My men have found you reading questionable material from the local library. We found you carrying paints into your home and did an investigation while you were sleeping. We found your secret room full of art. And lastly, we believe you've been in contact with an outcast for the past few days. For your crimes, you are from this day forth, and outcast, and will be banished to the dead lands. Take him away from my sight." the crowd roared with cheers and agreements and "long live the king!" I spared a glance at Jane and scowled when she dared to look sorry for me. I look away as the guards hauled me off into a castle to change my hair colour.

"Jack! Jack please!" Jane quickly ran up to me and grabbed my arm.
"They forced me to tell them, I-I'm so sorry, I never wanted this to happen," I didn't even look at her as the guards pushed her back and continued dragging me away. I'm taken into a room and strapped onto a chair, before left alone with a jolly fat man who was humming to himself.
"You're very different from the other people that come here. Most of them are screaming their lungs out by now," he let out a small chuckle.
"It almost seems like you want to be cast out," the man twirled around and looked at me, his chubby cheeks wiggling with each movement.

"Maybe I do," I reply coldly as the man takes out a whole rainbow of dyes out in front of me.
"Pick a colour Sean." I look through the assortment of colours and think. My favorite colour is red, but the figure already has that colour. One of the things that makes me like him more.
"Green," I stated. Why not? The man nodded and grabbed the dye. I knew that the formula somehow made one's hair stay that colour forever, no matter how many times you wash it or how long your hair grows.

After about half an hour of dying and washing, the man gave me a mirror to see how it looked. My sides were still brown but now there was a vibrant green mop on the top of my head. I smiled a bit at the sight. I liked it. For once, I actually liked how I looked. Unique, and imperfect. It's all I've ever wanted.
"You are a strange one," the man noticed my reaction, chuckling and taking the mirror away. The guards soon came in and dragged me out of the castle.

Everyone followed as I was taken to the entrance of the city, a single door to the dead lands that only a few people had the key to. A guard went to the door and quickly unlocked it before opening it. My eyes widen at the sight of the cold and desolate dead lands, feeling my first pang of fear. I dug my heels into the ground as they dragged me closer and closer to the door. I was suddenly terrified to see what was out there. If there was anything at all.

The guards gave me a last shove and I went face first into the dry dirt. The sound of metal groaning, then a slam, then the sounds of a lock. I was now officially an outcast. I looked around the barren wastelands in defeat. Everything was dead, no food or water. How did that figure even survive here? I sigh and slowly get up, dusting myself off and beginning to walk to who knows where.


It's been hours of me aimlessly walking like a lost soul in this desolate wasteland. I've found nothing living, only a few animal bones that were also slowly turning into dust. It was so hot, I might get heat stroke if I don't get out of the sun. And the burns will be atrocious. There weren't even any birds of prey circling around me, like I've read so many times that's what they do. But you know what, I loved every moment of it. Because I was free, no one to tell me what to do or say or anything. I loved the burn on my skin and the dryness in my throat and the emptiness in my tummy. All things I've never experienced before. I loved every single second of it.

My feet hurt a lot though, and my head was getting a little fuzzy but I didn't mind. I only started worrying when my vision started swimming. And I must be hallucinating by now because I see a whole mass of green right on the horizon. Like the beautiful and lushous forest I've read about. I suddenly felt my knees buckle, but barely felt it as I crashed to the ground. All I could do is stare at my hallucination with fascination. My vision became blurry and I closed my eyes. At least I would die a happy, free man instead of in that hell hole. This was way better.

Just as sleep was about to take me, I could've sworn I heard a voice, and footsteps coming closer to me. I strained to open my eyes and see what it is. Red, all I saw was the red blob on the head of a figure. My lips curled up into a weak smile before I fell limp, passing out.


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