Part Eight

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"What do you think?" I ask softly, holding my paint rag and wringing it around nervously. This is the first painting I was asked to do. It was on a huge canvas, with actual high grade paint. It could be terrible. He could hate every bit of it and kick me out. Oh God I hope that's not the case. Mark didn't help me much either. His face was unreadable. Blank and stoic as he studied ever brush stroke on the canvas.

Mark had asked me a few days ago to make him a painting of the forest, something generic to get me into the swing of things. He said I had a week to finish it but managed to do so in just a few days. I was just so excited to start. I'd practically locked myself up in my art room for the whole time, barely eating or sleeping in the process.

"It's gorgeous," He finally said, making me let out a sigh of relief. Thank God.
"You really think so?" I smile hopefully as he nodded.
"Yes. In fact, I'll have it hung up right in my room, so I can see it everyday," he gave me a charming smile that made me melt inside.
"O-of course your majesty, that would be such a great honor," I let out in a breathy voice. He likes it. He really really does.

"Although..." my heart drops down to my stomach, gulping, "a-although...?" he looked back at me with a concerned frown.
"I don't really like your habit of locking yourself up here without food or sleep. You're skinnier than when you arrived here and there are bags under your eyes." my face goes red. I never thought he would even notice that. I look down shyly and nodded.
"Y-yes sir... I'll try my best to get out of that habit."

Mark looks me up and down for a moment with those warm eyes before starting to walk closer. I immediately tense up, but force myself not to move back. That would be disrespectful. He comes so close to me that I can feel his breath on my face, cooling down my burning cheeks. His hand comes to my face and I close my eyes. I feel him cup my cheek and slowly rub it with his thumb. And before I could even relax into the feeling, he moved back.

I blink in confusion and look up to his grinning face. He showed his thumb that had a green spot on it.
"There was paint on your cheek," he hummed, giving me a pointed look. He knew exactly what he was doing. My face goes even redder as I nod slowly rubbing my cheek, "th-thank you sir..." we stay in silence for a moment, me staring at the ground as I feel his eyes roaming my body.

But then, the sound of alarm bells go off. At first I feel like I'm imagining them, until Mark grabbed my wrist and quickly ran out of the room with me. People were running around frantically, carrying things around.
"Wh-whats going on?" I ask Mark, instinctively clinging to the back of his shirt. Mark let out a small growl, "patrols." He hurriedly led me to a window, where I could see just in the horizon a glint of something in the distance. In seconds I see around a dozen soldiers from Perfectus marching towards the forest. Looking to the side, I see all the people that live in huts are taking everything inside and covering their homes with vines and leaves from the trees. The once bustling and thriving village I saw before was completely gone. Hidden.

"They come around twice a month, and also a short time after someone's been banished, just to check if they somehow survived," Mark informed. I nod slowly and watch as everyone hide and the bells go silent. Mark quickly brings me away from the window, which is also covered and to a small peep hole that we can still watch from.

It feels as if time was going slow as the soldiers carefully marched towards the forest. Looking for any trace of life. They make it to the edge and split up in groups to search around. Everything is silent, the only sound being heard was the small crackling of dead leaves as the soldiers walked by. None of them look up, not even once. The village could still be open and unhidden and they wouldn't even notice.

Until one did look up. And for a second, it felt like our eyes met all the way from where I am through the peep hole. He gives a small smirk, and I feel like I'm about to faint. But instead of saying anything, he just looks back down and carries on. Was it my imagination? Maybe he didn't see me and was just smiling cause he saw a bird or something.

It's another hours of watching and waiting in dead silence as the soldiers searched. Then, once they were finally out of sight, going back to Perfectus, everyone let out a collective sigh of relief.
"God, that was terrifying," I whisper and Mark gently pets my head.
"You'll get used to it after a while." I give him a shaky smile, slowly holding onto his shirt.

Mark smiled and gently touched my cheek, "don't worry, we have trained military that are armed to the teeth for if any of them spot us. And we have a backup village even further away from that terrible place." Mark's touch and his soothing words immediately make me melt into him, and I feel at ease again.

"Everything's been checked your Majesty. Those guards are none the wiser," I shiver as I hear the familiar voice, looking back to see that man from before.
"Ah, Damien, amazing work as always," Mark smiled, gently patting the man's shoulder.
"Have you met Damiwn yet Jack? He's the captain of the guards. And my most trusted friend," Mark said to me.

"Oh we've met before sir, last week. He was running to his room, not watching where he was going and I had to help him find his way." the two men laughed, Damiwn giving me a slight grin. I giggle back shyly, clinging tighter to Mark.

"Damien, would you be so kind as to escort Jack back to his room, I have a lot of business to take care of thanks to those soldiers."
"Of course siyour majesty," Damien smirked, bowing. Mark smiled snd looked at me, giving me a fond look, "come have dinner with me tonight, yeah?" he cooed softly, and before I could even think, I was nodding. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze before leaving.

Damien smiled and held his hand out, and I gently took it.
"So how has it been so far for you?" he asks as we walk back.
"O-oh well... It's been pretty amazing. The way you've all been able to sustain yourselves is very impressive. I really hope I can keep making the king happy with my paintings," I hum dreamily, thinking about Mark and his beautiful face.

I feel an almost aggressive tug from Damien as we turn the corner, taking me out of my daze.
"Ah yes, I saw your forest painting and I must say, it's quite beautiful. I was actually wondering if, when you can spare a moment, I could ask you to paint me something?" Damien looks down at me with a small grin. It reminds me of a fox, along with his cunning eyes searching everything.

"Oh I'd love to!" I smile brightly, making him laugh.
"Wonderful. How about tomorrow evening then. I'll come to your art room and tell you what I want," he purred as we made it to my room. I nod happily, "sounds great, see you then." I reach for the doorknob, but feel myself being pushed against the door.

Damien's body is suddenly pushed flush up against me, the feel of his hot breath going over my neck.
"It'll be very fun to work with you, Jack. Make sure to prepare yourself," he purred in my ear, my whole body going rigid but shivering at the same time. I could practically feel the smirk on his lips before my body was left cold. He happily walked down the hall, like nothing happened. I stand there, staring at his back with wide eyes before slowly entering my room.


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