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That's my fav minsung pic ♡

Thank you so much for 287 reads can I cry :(

Hyunjin didn't get a chance to approach minho since Friday (today's Monday). Previous week was quite eventful for hyunjin, he couldn't draw lines between dream and reality, it felt so alike.

Hyunjin spend the weekend mustering up the courage to ask minho out and he even made his mind to propose him, it was not like minho would turn him down after everything that happened the week before, and hyunjin was sure about that.


Hyunjin hasn't been in the college for more than a month now, but if you think that he had his eyes all over minho for just a month- you're wrong.

The first time hyunjin saw minho, his mouth fell agape. That was two years ago- when he was in his 11th grade. Minho was a freshman in his college (along with chan and woojin).

The college fest at the end of every year was truly like a celebration. All the students from the college would be there dancing, singing, perfoming, drinking, making out and just doing all they wanted.

Both the school and the college was under the same organisation and within the same compound. So it did tempt the little curious high schoolers to get into the fest without being caught.
It was a usual happening.
Some would join just to see the perfomances, while some would go there just to get wasted, but some others went there because of that one constantly pestering friend- which was the case for seungmin.

Seungmin and hyunjin were highschool friends. The former a year older. Seungmin has basically been there through all of hyunjin's phases.
Moreover it was him who always brought hyunjin back to his normal state of my mind everytime he'd go all emotional. He was also there when hyunjin was lost and confused about his sexuality, seungmin taught him why it was okay to be gay and why he should embrace it.

Seungmin didn't like breaking rules, it was not his kind of thing, he didn't understand what was so cool about it. It was simply indisciplinary and wrong.

But Hyunjin had a strong will. He wanted to get into the college fest and he would. So he successfully dragged seungmin along with him.

He just wanted see things, not do anything.

Hyunjin found singing boys attractive. Hyunjin found boys attractive.

When he saw boys making out under the changing lights his heart elated. It hadn't been a long time since he confirmed he was into guys, of course he'd always liked guys but he wasn't sure until a year or so.
Whenever he saw something gay his heart jumped happily like a kid who was in a room full of candies.

He thought he was falling for every guy he saw...until he saw another specific boy.
This boy made him realise he wasn't actually attracted to the guys he saw all day.

The boy had a pointed nose, and the cutest lips that looked soft as cotton candy, his eyes encaptured the colours of the neon lights flashing above his head. Few strands of his raven hair was stuck to his forehead while the rest of the hair looked fluffy.
The boy looked like he was painted by the hands of an artist, the proudest painting the artist could posses.

Seungmin was searching for hyunjin while hyunjin was busy adoring the new found boy.

He was talking with who looked like his friends. Hyunjin absent mindedly moved closer to the boy. Now he could hear him speak over the loud music. If he could make a bed out of the boy's voice it would be the softest.
How could someone sounds so soft when they're basically yelling over all other sounds? - hyunjin thought.

Hyunjin's heart fluttered following each word the boy said. He had never seen a man so ethereal, so perfect, and- and just perfect head to toe. The music stopped and all the other sounds started surfacing, along with the sound of the boy's giggle to something one of his friends said.
The giggle rang through hyunjin's ears like his favorite music, he wanted to hear more of it.

Now a different song was put. The boy and his friends looked at each other and within seconds they made a formation and danced in sync which obviously gained the attention of people all around them.

A bead of sweat dripped along the side of his face as he was dancing, it slid through his perfectly shaped jaw before travelling through his neck and finally resting on his exposed collarbone.

Hyunjin's lips parted at how the boy was dancing like a professional. It was flawless like his whole existence. Hyunjin's eyes were permanently fixed on the boy and no one else.

The expressions on his face, the way his tight jeans were hugging his thighs, hyunjin gulped at the sight.

The beat relaxed and the dance became more hot. The boy was dancing steadily and smoothly, perfecting each move effortlessly. The little crowd was cheering.
He started thrusting towards the air and then the floor. Hyunjin felt his whole body heat up. This boy made him feel things he never felt before.

Hyunjin was brought back to planet earth when the black haired boy stopped dancing. Hyunjin had to check if he was drooling. Then the boy smiled at his friends. Seeing him smile like that, hyunjin wanted the boy to snatch his heart.
How could a boy so hot look so cute.
What was he? Janus itself?

He thought he didn't love anything more than park jinyoung and he was wronged by this boy.

He heard one of his friends say - "minho let's get some drinks".

Minho was the name.

Sorry yall I can't English cuz it ain't my first language 😂

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