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All of this is happening before jisung joined, I really hope I'm not confusing you guys

Yall: A/N shutcho clownass up and update once in a while for fucks sake.

Okay jk 😂


Emotions genuinely started treating seungmin worse once he started attending the same college as the boy hyunjin loved.

Hyunjin would ask about minho on a daily basis. Seungmin would just reply that he didn't see minho that day- which was mostly true.

Hyunjin tried getting seungmin to interact with minho. But thank God for making hyunjin realise he was asking his best friend for a little too much.

The talk about minho was endless though. What was wrong right? Friends always talk to each other about their crush. What was different?

Hyunjin would be lying if he said that he didn't doubt for a short while that seungmin liked minho too. I mean, seungmin often got awkward while speaking about minho, he never mentioned having a crush on anyone, and well minho was too perfect.
Let's just say hyunjin wasn't the best at connecting dots.

A really rough year passed for seungmin. As much as he was excited about hyunjin joining the same college as him, he wasn't sure if he could take anymore of hyunjin's addiction for minho.

Of course he was right. Hyunjin wanted to know everything minho did, see minho all the time and obviously speak about him all the time. It drove seungmin's heart to the verge everytime. And it sure as hell hurt that he could see it right through hyunjin's eyes, how genuine he was, he didn't stand a chance for now the boy had eyes for minho and minho only.
But what hurt seungmin the most was that hyunjin chose not to give him the attention a friend deserved.

Happiness was not something he expected in a life where minho existed.

But before satan could push poor minnie into a deeper level of depression, God sent a boy to his college. Yang jeongin.

Jeongin looked a little too innocent with his braces and a completely adorable smile

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Jeongin looked a little too innocent with his braces and a completely adorable smile. He was still 17, making him younger than almost everyone in the college. He rarely not smiled. He was a boy who loved sharing the contagious smile he succeeded to keep by his side all the time.

A boy so cute, seungmin just wanted to hug the life out of him. He adored how the boy was always able to see the positive side of the things. Jeongin made him forget about the pathetic hopeless life he was leading.

Hyunjin definitely wrote all the bright words in seungmin's life, but then again it was hyunjin himself who slowly and painfully wrote down all the words seungmin disliked the most, and jeongin, he was the reset tool that erased all of it and kept seungmin the way he was.

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