
187 11 2

WARNING: this chapter is shittily written.

We're finally coming back to the present.
The monday jisung arrived:


Hyunjin gets mad at jisung for not joining him for lunch as promised but seungmin makes hyunjin understand that he is making a big problem out of nothing . Hyunjin becomes friends with jisung again and lies that he was annoyed at something else earlier. Minho, bangchan and changbin arrives at the rap class. When hyunjin leaves to speak with minho, jisung joins the rest of the group.

Hyunjin hadn't got to speak to minho after that Friday. He had to leave with his mom to visit his grandmother and returned only sunday evening.

It gave hyunjin time to think, and to finally decide on proposing minho seriously. It wasn't a chance he could just let slip.

After all, what were the chances for a negative response? Minho seemed interested in Hyunjin and never denied giving him a chance either.

He kissed him. That could mean anything but he still did it.

That day morning minho was late to class and Hyunjin couldn't start a conversation even though Minho was sitting right behind him. Now was the time.

It would be a sweet dream come true if they could be a thing. Hyunjin was so mad in love, He couldn't imagine loving someone else. Everybody around them thought they were dating, it was almost as if they were. Minho just had to say the words.

Hyunjin walked towards minho with a big smile plastered on his face.

"Hyung, can we go get ice cream after class"

Minho had his eyes fixed on someone else and he only noticed hyunjin once he started speaking

"Uh- I dont know"

That wasn't the reply hyunjin was expecting. It was always minho who wanted to hang out with him. Maybe he had something to do later that day

"Oh are you busy, we can go later, maybe tomorrow if you're okay with it"

Minho was totally not into the conversation.

"I don't know hyunjin, I think I'm busy everyday" and with that he walked towards his group.

Hyunjin felt a sudden bitterness sinking down on him, but for one time hyunjin tried understanding. Maybe Minho was in a bad mood or much worse he maybe going through something that he doesn't want to speak about. Morevover hyunjin felt concerned, he didn't want minho to be sad, he did a quick secret silent prayer to make minho happy again.
He wanted minho to be safe and happy. what if minho was going through something really bad... hyunjin wanted to take care of him.

Hyunjin didn't wanna go join jisung now- he looked really comfortable with the group of friends he was hanging out with.
Hyunjin knew there was nothing to be mad about becuase it was him who left jisung to speak with minho, its only natural that jisung went and joined somebody else.

Hyunjin sat on the floor a few feets away from them.

Everybody started taking notes on the spacing and placing of words and suddenly Yongguk their rap teacher left the class. They were so used to it now that they knew he wouldn't return.

Now hyunjin was bored. He knew everyone in that group becuase they were all minho's friends but he didn't know if he could go introduce himself to everyone, try starting a conversation and make everything awkward.

Few minutes more and he finally decided to go join them. That's when a wave of pain washed over him.

He felt sad confused and jealous.
He felt a bit angry too maybe.

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