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today was the last day of changbin's life and seungmin was panicking. he loved changbin too much to allow anything to happen to him.

"sweetheart, i'm going to be heading to the store to get some snacks for our movie night today, wanna come along?" changbin asked his boyfriend, yes. boyfriend. changbin had asked seungmin the night before and seungmin said yes.

seungmin pouted and shook his head, wrapping himself into a blanket burrito. he was comfortable like this and he didn't want to move.

"alright then" changbin giggled, seeing his boyfriend look so cute. "i'll be back soon, don't miss me too much" changbin ruffled seungmin's hair and kissed the top of his head. seungmin purred at his actions and nodded.

only a few minutes after changbin had left then he remembered, today was changbin's last day. fuck i'm an idiot i should have followed him. seungmin internally scolded himself as he unwrapped himself from the warmth of the blanket.

if you saw seungmin at that point of time you would have thought he was crazy. seungmin rushed across the street, changbin's back view coming into sight. his head was looking down as he crossed the road and he had his earbuds in. dumbass did no one ever teach you to look up when crossing the road.

everything that happened next went by too fast for changbin to process. a car was honking at him but of course, changbin had his earbuds in and he didn't hear it.

changbin felt someone push him in front as he fell onto the floor. his earbuds got harshly pulled out of his ears and only then did he realise the car and a body.

it was seungmin's body, lying in a pool of blood which was flowing from his head.

changbin then realised what had happened, seungmin dashed across just in time to push changbin away before sacrificing himself and he got knocked. this was all changbin's fault.

"call an ambulance!" his voice cracked as he shouted at the people standing there, all of them were frozen in their spots.

changbin rushed to seungmin's side, softly scooping the younger's bloody head onto his lap.

"b-baby..you'll be okay, j-just keep your eyes open alright?" changbin croaked, heart breaking at the sight of his boyfriend lying lifeless in his arms.

as much as seungmin tried to hold it in, the pain came out like an uproar from his throat in the form of a silent scream. the beads of water started falling down one after another, without a sign of stopping. he tried to scream, but his voice was melted by the sound of the people. the muffled sobs wracked against his chest as he felt the pain in his head. all he could see was changbin. the world turned into a blur, and so did all the sounds. the taste. the smell. everything was gone. the last painful emotion slammed against him before he lost the feeling of feeling."c-changbin..i love you..so much..i'll never stop loving you.." everything darkened into nothingness as he passed into the oblivion of unconsciousness.

changbin refused to let the younger go, he refused to look away, even as his lips trembled and his shoulders heaved with emotion, unwilling to let the younger leave his side, even when the ambulance had arrived. they allowed him to go into the ambulance with them after he had told them he was seungmin's boyfriend.

changbin's dark lashes brimmed heavy with tears; his hands clenched tightly around the younger's into shaking fists, in a desperate battle against the grief. a lone tear traced down his cheek, and just like that, the floodgates opened.

he wept, tears streaming from his deep blue eyes, loud, heaving sobs tearing from his throat, and still he did not look away from the younger. not until his the sobs drove him voiceless did his determined gaze fall.

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