..i hate you..

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No ones POV: Frisk was laying on their bed, crying and occasionally groaning in pain. They gripped their chest tightly as their tears flowed down their cheeks. Not knowing how to feel was a pain and caused them to feel more pain. Knowing that someone is gone from your life is just a mere instant..from someone else hate..was also a pain. They hated the way they were feeling right now. They just wished that the pain would just go away and never come back..or at least settle down to the point that they couldn't feel if anymore.

But they were soon snapped out of their thoughts when Toriel called out from downstairs,

"Frisk, there's someone here to speak with you" In the mind of Frisk, they hoped that it was Sans and he had finally decided to come home. They just out of bed as they ran out if their room downstairs a big smile on their face..but that smile soon vanished as they saw 'Papyrus' standing there with a smirk on his face. The only 'emotion' that was truly able to be felt..was 'Hate'.

"So, Frisk..did you watch the video yet" Papyrus asked, the smirk on his face becoming wider. Not really wanting to speak, Frisk looked down to the floor as their eyebrows furrowed angrily, shaking their head 'no'. "Well that's to bad, the video already has over 1million views, hehe..I guess Sans didn't really know what was coming, huh" the smirk on Papyrus' face got a little bigger, as the hate inside of Frisk only burned more. Papyrus walked over to Frisk and rubbed their head softly, "Don't worry, I would never that to you, I guess I could say Sans need to learn not to be so useless"

In that moment Frisk snapped as they forcefully swiped Papyrus' hand away, looking up at him with burning read eyes. Papyrus simply became shocked, his facial expression becoming a horrified one. Frisk forcefully pulled Papyrus down by his shirt collar, looking him straight in the eye. "You do not have the right to say anything like that about Sans, you got that!?"

Toriel was about to step in to stop the conflict but Frisk but a hand out. Papyrus simply stared into Frisk's eyes in fright, starting to sweat. "He has done so much for you and all you can do is bully him and call him ineffective, how the F#ck can you say that about your own Brother!? After all that he has done for you, and all the things he has done for you!?" Frisk couldn't stop the words from spilling from their mouth but actually..they didn't want to. 

"Sans said you were a cool person to be around, a cool person that somebody could trust with their life, he also said you were the coolest brother that he could ever ask for" but this point the tears started to flow from Frisk's eyes again, the red in their eyes starting to die down, the hate that was consuming their soul was slowly starting to fade, as that hate turned to sadness.
"He said so many good things about you and yet..y-you don't deserve any of those titles..." Frisk finally let go of Papyrus' shirt as Papyrus took a few steps back. Frisk wiped the tears from their face but the continued to flow, weeping silently.

Toriel rushed over to Frisk's side hugging them softly, Frisk hugging back, leaving a dumbfounded Papyrus standing quietly, feeling slight regret from what he did, but not complete regret.

Frisk let go of Toriel and turned in the direction of the stairs, "..i hate you" Frisk said as they ran upstairs to their room, slamming the door. Papyrus' eyes widened as those words repeated in his head like a broken record.

"It's time for you to go" Toriel said calmly hut sadly. Papyrus nodded, as he left Toriel's house, a little sad from hearing what Frisk said.

Meanwhile Frisk was in their room, crying loudly into a pillow, gripping onto it as the pain in their soul hurt chest hurt more, the more they cried.

-Meanwhile, In A Bar-

Sans was sitting at a stool wearing his usual black shorts but wearing a pitch black hoodie with hood on, trying to drink his problems away..which wasn't really helping. Drink by drink he his thoughts would slowly slip away as the pain in his chest hurt more with every drink he had. The bartender suggested for him to stop, but Sans wanted to continue, not really caring what happened to him. And therefore the rounds kept coming until hours later he passed out on the counter, drooling heavily onto the counter, sleeping until daybreak...

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